Look up the date of your birthday in Wikipedia. From the date page pick 3 interesting historical events that occured on that date, 2 births, and 1 death.
As the subject line entails, Portland (Oregon) peeked my interest...due to this blog. The Chinese Garden looks so nice, I think bigger/better than the Japanese Tea Garden in SF. It is probably b/c Oregon has more area/space to have bigger gardens. Dunno.
Layout "Blackleaf" by starpollo You can find it at creative_muse Header (BSG pic) also by starpollo The layout that you see in my lj is an edited/mixed version of "Blackleaf" by starpollo and "Grays"(Flexible Squares) by Yati Mansor.
Well, I usually don't watch basketball. Except for very few minutes or so, and that if it is very important/anticipated game. So I found this in the yahoo news links. That's kinda of a cool pass & lucky, too.