(no subject)

Jun 23, 2005 04:26

Yeah yeah, no update from me in a while. I really haven't had time with work and I haven't had a whole lot to write about. But here's
1. First Name: Chris
2. Hair Color: Black-Brown
3. Middle Name: Lee
4. Hair Style: short and a bit curly
5. Eye Color: Brown
6. Height: 5'6.85555549”
8. Birthday: February 24, 1983
9. Zodiac Sign: Pisces
10. Do you have a girlfriend/boyfriend?: No.
11. Do you have a crush?: Maybe.

1. Favorite Animal: I enjoy all animals (except maybe ferrets)
2. Favorite Sport: Football, Baseball, pretty much any sport that I can enjoy both playing and watching with friends
3. Favorite Color(s): Black and Midnight Blue
4. Favorite Friend(s): Not to pick and choose over anyone, but I’d have to say Chris and Kellie because they are the ones that I have spent the most time around and talked to the most in the last year
6. Favorite Song(s): “Gethsemane” by Nightwish
7. Favorite Movie Quote: “Life is pain, highness. Anyone who says differently is selling something.”
8. Favorite Store: Old Navy, Eddie Bauer, Express for Men (Once in very few blue moons)
9. Favorite Feeling: Rested
10. Favorite Shoe: My two pairs of Doc Marten Boots
11. Favorite Scent: Just after a rain storm
12. Do You Wear Make-Up?: ::raises eyebrow:: Only on Halloween…
13. Which is more important, personality or looks?: I’m partial to more personality, but looks play a small part
14. What kind of personality do you like in a girl? Fun, easy-going, down to earth, motivated
15. Do you move fast or slow in a relationship?: slowly, if I move at all…haven’t had too many relationships, so…
16. What is your idea of the perfect guy/girl?: There is no pefect girl…I know, I’ve looked.
17. Would you ever ask someone out?: Yes.
18. Do you prefer blondes or brunettes?: Yes…

Love, Life & Friends
1. What is the first thing you notice about somone?: Their eyes
2. When's the last time you cried?: It was a while ago…I normally don’t cry, it doesn’t solve anything and after I’m done, I’m still stuck in the same situation
3. What do you want to be when you grow up?: Primarily…A good father for my children. Career wise…A financial analyst
4. Do you sleep with stuffed animals?: No.
5. How far have you gotten?: Not all that far…
6. Do you like someone right now?:
7. Do they know?:
8. Do you have a best friend?: Not really

Do you like to...
1. Do you like to give hugs? Yes
2. Give back rubs?: Depends…
3. Take walks in the rain?: Sometimes, other times I just like to sit down and let the rain wash over me.
4. Do you ever have one of those falling dreams?: Occasionally
5. What is on the walls of your room?: Several Posters, and a few pictures of my high school football team
6. When you chew gum, what kind?: Orbitz Gum
7. Do you use chap stick?: No.

In the last month have/did you...
1. Drink?: yes
2. Smoke?: yes
3. Drugs?: only alcohol and nicotine
4. Have Sex?: Nope
5. Made Out?: No
6. Go on a date?: Nope
8. Go to the mall?: Once or Twice
9. Eaten an entire box of Oreos?: nope, haven’t had oreos in forever
10. Eaten sushi?: Nope, man I miss the Ahi Tuna…YUM!
11. Been on stage?: No
12. Been dumped?: No
13: Had someone unfaithful to you?: No
14. Watched The Smurfs?: No
15. Hiked a mountain?: Felt like it…yes. Actually did it…no.
16. Made homemade cookies?: Where would I find time?
17. Been in love?: Love? That’s a word that gets thrown around far too much. I try not to use it unless I absolutely mean it.
18. Had a serious talk?: Yes
19. Hugged someone?: Yes
20. Gotten along well with your parents?: For the most part…yeah.
21. Fought with a friend?: No, none of my damn friends live on my side of town.

More stuff.
1. Are you popular?: Me? Popular? Are you fucking kidding me?
2. Are you pretty?: Handsome…kinda. I never refer to myself as pretty or cute.
4. What is your favorite word to say: Indeed…
5. What is your favorite phrase to say?: God I hate you…
6.what are you doing right now?: Filling out this survey and listening to music on winamp.
7. What song are you listening to?: “Metalingus” by Alter Bridge
8. What are you wearing?: Jeans and a white t-shirt

1. Cold or hot?: Cold Jagermeister
2. Lace or satin?: Depends on the situation
3. Blue or Red?: Purple…
4. New or old?: refurbished
5. Rain or snow?: rain
6. Give or receive?: give
7. Wool or cotton?: cotton
8. Rose or Daisy?: I don’t do flowers
9. Private school or public school?: public
10. Chocolate milk or plain milk?: Whey Protein Shake
11. Celsius or Fahrenheit?: Celsius
12. Spring or Fall?: Dead of winter…
13. Inny or outty?: inny
14. Now or then?: then
15. How many fingers am I holding up?: 1
16. Scent?: Red grape
17. English or Math?: Economics
18. Bath or shower?: Shower
19. Bedtime phrase?: g’night
20. Self-stick or lick?: lick
21. Cursive or print?: doesn’t matter, my handwriting sucks either way…
22. Do you like surprises?: No
23. Paranoid or Cautious?: a bit of both at times
24. Heights or Crowds?: Crowds, I have an utter disdain for large throngs of people…it’s because I work in the service industry
25. Half-full or half-empty?: The glass has been empty for a long time.
26. Top or bottom?: I’m up for whatever
27. do you/Would you dye your hair?: Hopefully one more time before I have to join the real world
28. Speeding or running red lights?: Speeding…”No coppy, no stoppy…”
29. Gold or silver?: Gold
30. Bad habits?: Lack of Punctuality, picking or chewing my nails, my on again off again smoking habit
31. Piercing?: Not yet…
32. Erogenous Zone(s)?: Not going to say…
33. "Maybe" or "Mebbe?": I’m from South Texas, it’s Mebbe…I only use maybe around the grammar inclined.
35. What do you wish you'd done?: Studied Harder
36. Fetish?: Don’t we all…?
37. Do you have one of THOSE voices?: No.
38. Jammies or naked?: Boxer Briefs and maybe a t-shirt
39. Neurotic or psychotic?: Psychotic
40. Do you talk to yourself?: yes, and sometimes I even answer myself…but that’s ok, I already know I’m crazy.

first grade teacher's name: Sharon Carter
last word you said: Fuck
last song you sang: “Here I Am To Worship” - Phillips, Craig, and Dean
what's in your cd player: About 3500 songs…I have a 20GB MP3 player
what color socks are you wearing: barefoot all the way
what's under your bed: A bunch of crap
what time did you wake up today: 2:30pm…it was my day off, so bite me.
where do you want to go: Avalon…
what is your career going to be: Husband, Father, Financial Analyst
where are you going to live: Wherever the good Lord thinks I should be, I’m sure he’ll drop a hint my way.
how many kids do you want: Hmm…2 or 3 I guess
what kind of car will you have: Something with good gas mileage and decent speed

current mood: Tired
current music: “Bring Back The Bomb”- GWAR
current taste: Breakfast from Whataburger
current hair: Curly
current smell: Diet Dr. Pepper
current longing: For school to be over and for the Kemah Boardwalk to be gone
current desktop picture: A picture of Tarja Turunen, the lead singer of the band Nightwish
current favorite artist: Alice in Chains
current color of toenails: I don’t paint my nails
current worry: School in two weeks
crush: …
current hate: anything having to do with the Kemah Boardwalk

1. what's the story behind your lj username?: Well, I picked it because I was going to UH and the mascot was a Cougar and my personality at the time was kind of dark (which people who knew me my freshman year can vouch for)…hence DarkCougar05 (’05 being the year I graduate).
2. name five [5] of your favorite foods: Taquitos, Steak, Chicken Fried Steak, Red Snapper, Fast Food anywhere
3. have you ever had a makeover? O_o… God no…
4. name all members of the beatles. John, Paul, George, and Ringo
5. what's the longest time you've stayed out of the country/where?: Never left the country…unless you count the time I went to Ohio….that was like going to another country
6. one thing you're grateful for today: My family.
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