I'm not dead yet!

Jan 07, 2010 17:40

Update on the state of DD's brick to the face.

Had my tooth extraction today. Earlier than previously anticipated, but with the weather as bad as it's supposed to get, and the roads as bad as they are, I can't blame them for wanting to close down early. At least they rescheduled me for today instead of some time next week.

I did something silly while waiting for ilyena to pick me up - ProDental won't do IV sedation unless you have a ride there and waiting - I shoveled. Technically shouldn't have done that because I'm not cleared for heavy work at PT, but it needed to be done, and me doing it let merfilly sleep. And I was smart enough to wear my ankle brace inside my sturdiest pair of boots, so no harm done.

Made my blood pressure raise, which wasn't smart, but as much as anything dentists' offices make me uncomfortable as shit, so that was probably contributing to the problem. Before the nitrous had a chance to calm me down my BP was something like 206/101. WAAAAY above average. But the nitrous started doing it's thing, and hearing one of my nurses telling anyone who walked into the room that 'she's allergic to latex, only use these gloves' made me relax even more. Do not ever want to repeat that trip to the ER for severe respiratory distress caused by a doctor ever again. Nononononono...

Anyway. Miracle of miracles, they only had to stick me three times before they found a vein to put the IV in that would't blow or just roll over. Compared to the eight I went through last year, this is a vast improvement.

Oh, yeah, and it was exactly a year ago today that I had the teeth on the right side removed. 1/7/09. I thought the nurse was just mis-typing all the dates until I realized that I had already signed those forms, and was just signing them again. Weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeird.

So, once I was out, this one apparently took a little longer. Officially should've started at 11, might not have gotten going quite on time since it took them a bit to get me hooked up, but it was 1 pm when they helped me into yena's car. *shrug* no biggie.

We - okay she, I was still somewhat incoherent and not really allowed to talk b/c it made me bleed - went to get katarik and torches from work, and then drop my new scripts off at walgreens. And then we went to get a milkshake. *happy* I hadn't eaten since the night before, and was hungry, but there was no jello made, and didn't want to go to a store, and the icecream just would've felt nice on my throat. So she got me a milkshake. Had to eat it with a spoon once we got home, but it was nice to have something wet to drink/eat. Shortly after I finished what I could manage of my shake - not much, sadly - yena returned from going to pick my finished scripts up. Took them - drinking water from anything other than a really small opening or a squeeze nozzle is difficult. I spilled water on myself twice before I figured out how to hold my droppy lip up so that I didn't dribble. And then I went to bed.

I'm up typing this now because I had to get up 2 hours after taking my first doze of Tylox to take another dose. I needed more water, used the facilities, got hugs, and decided to say 'hi, i'm not dead yet' to ppl. Now I'm going back to bed until 8, when I have to take another dose of Tylox. And hopefully have some chicken soup minus the parts that make it more than broth. Because yena is awesome and said she'd make me some.

Ugh... my face doesn't hurt yet, but I look like someone attacked a chipmunk with a brick.

My brain goes strange places when I'm medicated.

real life

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