My first GEF

May 26, 2009 11:52

I went to the GEF at the weekend - I've never done that before.

It was a lot of fun, but odd...

What was hot:
  • As always, my continuing romance. She knows who she is, but I'll not say here just in case there are people reading who still haven't noticed. She has my very great thanks for her massive contribution to making LT events fabulous at the moment.
  • Dinner with the above - cooked a good meal in a field, and it didn't consist of burgers and sausages! Pulled if off nicely (despite the Tarantulas being attacked and Seraphim wading in in the middle of cooking).
  • "No Effect Mute" - best 20OSPs I have ever spent.
  • Fighting in general - a nice variety of monsters over the weekend led to each fight seeming quite individual and different. Kept us on our toes.
  • People willing to gateguard so that I didn't have to!
  • Lots of people asking me about becoming a Paladin.
  • Lots of people willing to help put up/take down Chez Celestial. It was very much appreciated.
  • The Rite in Camelot and watching the End of the World - very dramatic. Also good to see Arden coming into her own. I think she'll make a good Ritualist.
  • Monstering - both times. In the first, it was fun to play a Corruptor (as I'll get very few chances!) and intimidating the Harts to not come and help the Dragons. In the second, it was great fun to play with a shield again (thanks fundessie ) and last a surprisingly long time as a 5-hit skeleton. At one point I even got Magebolted!
  • The last fight in general was very well put together by the refs and marshalls. Great fun to monster. Looked like it would have been fun to character. Continuously respawning monsters make for dramatic fights.
  • Angst on Sunday - which was noticed by 1 person. Well, mentioned by 1 person anyway. If anybody else did notice, they didn't feel that they could talk about it.
  • Similarly, chatting to Illyrio about the origins of the Faction Warchest, having just resolved what we would do if we got the wrong answer from him.
  • The amazing response from Rick and Will on Sunday night.
  • Sanctuary and endless chanting. Paul was right - I did need a drink on Saturday night!
  • Being able to relax and enjoy the company of friends, both in and out of character. As Toni ( eviladara ) has said on her own LJ, it's the people that make the event.
What was not:
  • Little Dave.
  • The Sunday of enormous faff.
Many thanks to everyone that contributed to making it a fab weekend.
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