[Private // hackable]
...There's more, it seems.
I was assigned to a room in the lowest-ranking dorm with the smaller girl called Shou... and there was a third roommate there as well, a pudgy, somewhat grumpy and lazy girl... that... looked like a koala.
The room was small and had only the bare essentials, and the food was low-quality... but I still liked it somehow. I had always been decently well-off at home... so perhaps the switch was refreshing, in a way. None of the drawbacks bothered me.
...Shou... she took to calling me "aniki" from then on, too. "Big brother"... even though with the gender changes, that makes very little sense...
Ah... I remember a few more faces, as well... a rather haughty girl in the highest dorm, Manjoume Jun, and a boy amidst all the girls I'd met, Tenjoin Asuka. The boy seemed nice enough, I suppose, but the girl seemed both intrigued and almost personally offended that I defeated a teacher using her own personal deck, and that I placed in the lowest dorm on top of that -- there was a bit of a hierarchy within the school, it seemed, and a large amount of elitism amongst the highest ranking students, as well as bias against the two lower dorms. There was a surprisingly great gap between the second highest dorm and the highest dorm in terms of respect and how well-off they were.
Manjoume challenged me to a duel in secret that night at midnight, taking the risk of getting caught and expelled. So I accepted... and won. We were almost caught, and probably would have been had it not been for Asuka alerting us before the guards came.
...And of course, I'm remembering the genders wrong, it seems. Hopefully this will rectify itself soon.
It's quite a bit challenging to get used to this new, ah... center of gravity...
((OOC: ...Yeah, I dunno why I didn't just do this at the outset. 1% spent on Juudai's first day/night at Duel Academia and his secret nighttime duel with Manjoume -- basically the entirety of episode 2. So 12% total, 2% remaining.
Also note that I'm kinda sorta speculating and drawing from my headcanon on Juudai being from a well-off family -- it's never explicitly stated, but I'd assume from what we see of his family life that he was living comfortably. I mean, how else would his family be able to afford the latest memory erasing technology, right?
Just a minor detail, though. It makes sense to me, anyway, and the financial status of his family doesn't really affect any of his canon, so.))