Battle (FM Feb) Hold me close I feel it coming the changes to our lives so kill with me tonight

Jan 26, 2008 11:13

Was I scared? It was the question that everyone kept asking me. Was I scared? And when I said no they didn't believe me. But the truth was, I wasn't scared at all. A month ago it would have been because I was just walking around in a shell, already battle tested with nothing left to lose. Now I had plenty to lose and I had one thing that no one else had. I had a sister who could predict the future. Helena wasn't trying to stop me from going into the fight like Ryan had and I could only guess that meant one thing. I wasn't gonna die tonight. If I wasn't gonna die then I had no reason to be scared.

I'd avoided Molly for days now that I knew she was the who had tattled on me to Kennedy. It wasn't the only factor either. Five girls were dead, and I knew I wasn't going to die but others would. Would Molly? Detaching myself seemed like the best way to deal with a potential loss. I never said it was the healthiest of ideals but it seemed logical to me. She had gotten a lot closer to some blonde who's name I hadn't bothered to learn just yet, one of Lexi's old friends. And I'd stayed close to Helena. When Connor counted us off, half on Team Connor and half on Team Alec I couldn't help but notice that Molly was following Alec too. For a moment I thought of catching up with her when I saw her run to Seth and kiss him but instead I let her get lost in the crowd. She had to take care of herself.

Clutching the broadsword in my hand I kept to myself as I walked among the slayers. I felt like I was watching an old black and white movie about the Amazons or the Valkyries. I really didn't know much about energy or about magick, that was more Helena's forte but I knew how to fight and when the lightning ripped through the sky and a portal began to emerge I realized that I'd never faced a battle quite like this before. Even Sophia would probably run from a giant dragon breathing fire.

Almost immediately the fighting began to break out. It almost became hard to tell who was who and I had to stay especially cautious to not hurt any of my fellow slayers and to only attack demons. Things happened so fast and then they almost slowed down. It felt like I was having an out of body experience as I swung my sword and furiously punched and kicked my way through the heavy throng of demons. Last time I'd lost everything and I was fighting for revenge. This time I was fighting for something so much more.

I wanted a piece of the dragon but I knew it wasn't only out of my league but out of my reach as it soared over head. Instead I set my sights on anything ground level that I felt like I could take on. Heads were rolling and that felt so good until I had made my way through another demon only to see one of the girls who lived right next to me and Molly get her throat sliced open. Blood squirted out so fast I could feel it spray across my face as I tried to catch her before she hit the ground.

I didn't even know her name.

She was dead and there was nothing else I could do for her so I stood up, ready to keep going. I thought I had the best of one particularly ugly demon until suddenly sword was yanked out of my hand. I watched it clatter to the floor and angrily I kicked out, gritting my teeth together. We traded blow after blow and after awhile I felt myself starting to get a little tired. Not a lot, but enough to slow me down a pace or two. That was all it took before I felt the hard crust of his knuckle smash right into my jaw. More blood sprayed from my mouth with the impact before I hit the ground as the thing towered over me. It raised it's hands up and for a moment I knew I was done for. Had Helena not predicted it? Had she known I was gonna die tonight?

I braced myself for the killing blow when all of a sudden the demon was blindsided by a fierce right hook. I was surprised to see Ryan standing there but I couldn't give myself much time to process it before I was up and stomping my foot onto the demon's neck until I heard a solid crunch.

"You came."

For once, I was glad that Ryan never listened to me. And also glad that he had a killer right hook.

Looking out into the fray a brunette falling to the ground in a heap as a demon stood over her caught my eye. "Molly..." I breathed out before Ryan and I were both running over there, I only stopped long enough to pick my sword back up. I pushed it through the demons back before it literally stepped on Molly. "That's my best friend. Back the fuck off." I warned it as I finally ran the sword all the way through, letting go of the weapon as the demon dropped to the ground. Dead as a doornail.

"Molly." I fell to my knees and shook her a little bit. She was bleeding a lot. "Molly, c'mon." I was afraid to move her, afraid to hurt her but I couldn't just leave her here. My fingers pressed to the side of her neck made me realize her heart was still bleeding. "We've gotta move her." I said to Ryan as the two of us picked her up on either side and made our way through the fight, trying to pull Molly out of the middle of it.

I heard my radio squawk just as we let Molly down on a hillside nearby. Something about a giant marshmallow monster. I don't know. Seth was gonna freak out. Ryan ripped the sleeves off of shirt and the two of us tried to stop some of the bleeding by pressing it to her wounds but she wouldn't stop. I didn't want to abandon the fight but we had to get her to the hospital. Just as I thought it I looked up and saw the building we'd been flanking begin to crumble. It looked like the war was almost over and we were winning. Just like they say, it's always darkest before dawn.
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