
Oct 25, 2007 13:21

I'm deadly bored with flu in bed.. so in my boredom I decided to stalk my neighbour.
I think he's my age.. or probably in his late 20s. Anyways.. just so you all know, took him half an hour to style his hair today WTF?Interesting ( Read more... )

pictures, stuff, life, crafts

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Comments 6

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darkesa October 25 2007, 12:20:18 UTC
when i'm sick i drink tea (the english way, with milk and sugar :P).. yes, I become very ladylike when sick *snorts*

enough coffee for you missy! with all that jumping and bouncing.. where did you get all that energy from? :P share the secret ;P

*gives her a snotty hug*


darkesa October 25 2007, 12:21:04 UTC
PS: downloading the last season of gilmore girls cause I always forget to watch it on the tv :P


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lovehaze October 25 2007, 19:04:11 UTC
Awh, hope you feel better!


rosiel_sei October 26 2007, 13:55:04 UTC
Stalker!!! XDDDDD ¡Qué gracia, oye! Yo no veo a mis vecinos T_T


dolphinette January 11 2012, 00:15:09 UTC
Veronica, Q risa! Y no se da cuenta el chico? :)


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