So I learn there is to be a full lunar eclipse hours before the Solstice, which was also Rhiannons 13th month birthday... and so being the good Pagan Photographer I am I needed to record this
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Day Four: Seven things that cross your mind a lot.
1. my body hurts 2. i want to take a nap 3. my house smells 4. i hate it here 5. i want to go back to school 6. snakes snakes snakes 7. Rhiannon Rhiannon Rhiannon Rhiannon
1. Make me laugh 2. Dont judge me, for anything 3. Dont have a drug problem (Including alcohol) 4. Love animals 5. Be my friend first 6. Dont be christian (or mormon or catholic or jehova witness, etc....) 7. agree with me on stuff, but challenge at the same time 8. make me sandwiches
My evenings have been more difficult since the time change. When it's dark I want to hibernate. Cant do that with a wee rabbit boucing around the house. And I am more lonely when it's dark. I hate this schedule.