Last Updated 11.21.2010
Hi All.
It's me Dark. Yes lately I've start using 'Dark' as oppose to DF, but I suppose quiet a few of you guys will always know me as DF... just like I will always know you by certain names as well.
I guess it's time to update the world what's been happening since I vanish.
School Oh man, were these years wonderful.. even if there were times I felt like the world just suck. I mean, I have great friends from there. My teachers for the most part are simply amazing. But they are right about one thing.. at least for me. I get so caught up on people, that I'm just not as ambitious enough to pursue the art career. I mean, selling ideas and designs are /hard work/ and highly competitive. There are so many more people way more talented than I.. and even if I can wish, and have these vast dreams... I simply don't have enough steam to pull it off.
Not enough discipline to have some "me" time just to draw, to paint. A great deal of my friends will understand it's what I need to do, but everyone will want a peice and slowly.. my skills are withering away. Given the chance to draw on my long ass train ride to work.. I'm simply tired, Or I draw the same things over and over.. great thumbnails and ideas.. but when I rework the image much larger.. it's like. Wow.. where did it all go? My style of drawing is simply .. "uptight" as one of my teachers put it. He's pretty dead on about me.. actually everyone is since I have no poker face at all. But getting to the point, it's like I pin down a nice line art work, then see something wrong.. or perhaps haven't figure out all the kinks.. it's like. Whoa! That's wrong... can I even fix that?
But yea. I've study. I've train. I still go read books about the business and stare at wonderufl artwork . Lately, I've been watching a lot of stories.. and well. Rendering and good composition is only half the business. What about... being able to get the story across clearly? That's so hard to do. I can't do it. Even in other situations where I would say plainly what I mean.. somehow the words never seem to come out right.
Anyhow. I love having no more finals, papers for school. I miss the whole productive enviroment, and people pushing each other.. I sorta think I need that.
I do not want to become one of those people who rely on others approval to create beautiful for artwork. That sort of mind set will only take an artist so far.. and I cannot be dependent on anyone/ anything.
Work So I was offer a job 6 months in advance before I graduate. Went to vacation to China. came back to house sit in Long Island. And then finally off to work. Not every day where someone would wait 8 motnhs for you for a job, but I am increibly lucky and grateful my boss did. I adore (for the most part) the people I work with, even thou they drive me crazy.
I mean seriuosly? "After 5" might as well mean "anything goes!".
On Friday I'm walking out of the bathroom, my coworker slams the door ahead and runs down the hall back to the office.. seriously?!
Another incident I come back to the office, she's waiting for me to scare me.. (she did, I neally smack myself) and then I try to do the same.. it totally backfire cause I was eating something and couldn't yell out "boo".
There are days where my coworker is too busy gaming on the iphone to help me out. He'd tell me "go away I'm too busy gaming." .. Seriously?!
Geez. I know my office is fun and all.. but it's not like we were for children's toys! (Oddly enough, that major is very very discipline in trade and seems like they can't have any fun.) But yea, I work in the fashion industry.. gotta love that jazz and all.
I suppose you aren't suppose to judge people on their professional .. but I guess that's what I'm so focus... or try to be on now. Haha, Anyways later..
... Anyways just a random image for Kyte-dearest. Hair looks good on the zoom -in.. ((Think here/§ion=&global=1&q=kyteaura#/d32rcp3 is sharper.. maybe it's just me..))