Interesting week...
My pub quiz team didn't quite manage our usual rout (beaten by 2 points, dammit), but we learned that in the next few weeks, the pub as a whole is taking part in a televised (a Sky channel? Via webcams and the internet, apparently?) quiz where our pub will compete against other pubs for a £1000 donation to a local charity of our choice.
Yay for charity, but eep! It's been 25 years since I first (and last) appeared on tv. I'm not entirely sure I'm ready to do it again. Possibly I will wear a big floppy hat and huge glasses and pretend I'm not me. (I'll be the one in the Batman teeshirt.) :D
11.28pm Set the alarm at work, lock the shop and come home.
01.10am Phone rings. It's the alarm company. (I am 5 minutes slow stroll away from work and nocturnal so I get to be keyholder and deal with stuff like:) The alarm hasn't gone off, they tell me, but the police are on site because a neighbour called to tell them she'd just seen someone kick in the bottom window of the door and climb in. Joy.
01.15am I arrive on scene to see two cops playing keepaway from the door. There is blood, they say, and it is fresh, so we have sent for a dog. We'll track them down and get them!
01.20am Dog arrives, with handler, and is soon off on the hunt. Later radio contact says they lost the trail. :(
01.25am I let myself and PC Parker into the shop and start cataloguing what's gone. Mostly it's cheap tobacco, cheap whisky, cheap vodka and cheap gin. They left the Smirnoff, the Absolut, the Famous Grouse, the Glenfiddich... (*weeps for the incompetency of it all*)
01.30am I try to call the 24/7 'Approved Glazier' number that is emblazoned on the shop windows inside and out for moments exactly like this. It doesn't connect. PC Parker tries and gets nothing. His switchboard tries and gets nothing. they google and find that the 0800 number we're trying is the only one listed - no landline or mobile number to be had. So, PC Parker gets the switchboard to call a service they use, who say they'll have someone there 'in about an hour'.
01:50am PC Parker finishes writing up my statement, gets me to sign it, and is off - leaving me to wait for someone (for whom I have no contact number!) to come and board up the gaping hole.
01.51am I realize I really need to pee.
03.18am A white, unmarked van pulls up outside. In it is a friendly little man with powertools and some not-quite-big-enough boards. There is measuring and sawing and about 5 seconds of drilling... and then there is charging up of the powertools and more sawing. Finally, there is more drilling. *\o/*
3.58am Set the alarm, lock the shop and come home.
4.01am PEE!
Win Round one of
ae_ldws! I still have my last two drabbles to post - both winners in their respective weeks, yay! - but I'm still working on an extended version of Wk#8 (a High School AU Egg Baby Project fic...I KNOW!), so it will be a day or two before they go up.
In the meantime: I HAS A BANNER!
Bonus event: Saturday 01.21am:
Joseph Gordon-Levitt has been confirmed for The Dark Knight Rises! No idea who he'll end up playing, but they mentioned Deadshot in that article, who is half of my tiniest OTP to date. (I have 4 fics saved. FOUR!)
Now I want to see JGL as Deadshot and Tom Hardy as Catman - and
here's why. :D
So, how has your week been?