OMGA! I was at SUPER!!! LOLZ Target. And there was this guy and and and and and and and AND X 46345636346!!!!!1111 He was like.....ugly.....and it scared me o___o.......can you tell that im bord?
Hey peeps Im here in Offworld being all kool and having fun X3 Ive been playing Halo, FEAR, Super Smassh, DDR and crap like that. Its still early too \. They wont let us put till 8:00 then Im gonna sleep all day X3333 Sleeeeeeeep Lolz
Well this day way I don't know its always fun to hang out with my family and all, but MOVING FURNETURE!!? I dont do manly laber cause im a women and yet I did
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Yaya This weekend was so much fun! :D We all slept over Shais house (((M'HRK SQUAD))) Anyway we saw Pirates of Le Carribeeeaaaaaaaooooooonnnnnnn Which was soooooo grewd!!!! Oh gawd!!!! SO GREAT! HeHEHEE dont go west me >.> you don't want ta go ther XP
IM NOT A FUCKING DRAG QUEEEEE33333eeeeeeennn!!!!!!!!