So, Im getting ready to depart from the oh-so cold and snowy louisville, to go to the oh so snowy, cold and boring redneck infested grayson co. YAY! I am so excited *surely you can sense my sarcasm
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yay for makeup!! you should definately do mine sometime!! and i LOVE frosty's and fries...i thought i was the only!!!!!!! i love you heather!! and those are some weird dreams...but i had one last night about you remember those??? well there was this lifesize tube holding life-size POGS!! it was really scary cause the pog thing had arms and legs and was making people play pogs w/ huuuuge pogs and was really weird!! anyway...i LOVE YOU....and i work tomorrow at the blimpi so you should visit :) i love eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee you!
Comments 3
that sounds like something outta harry potter fo shizzle
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