The Tuna Can Trunk...etc.

Mar 28, 2005 13:37

WEll...I have a story. Its about my old car. I will tell it later when I have more time. I have a class at I must leave shortly.

Good news...I have a new vehicle! YAYNESS! Its a Jeep Cherokee...hunter green. Me so happy.

Hmm...nothing else really.

Farewell till later

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Comments 1

uberlyndz March 28 2005, 11:35:02 UTC
ahh that's sooo awesome!! i'm thinking of getting a new vehicular too...a bug...but it's gotta be either pink, green or black b/c if it's pink then i'm getting green polka dots put on, if it's green there will be pink polka dots, and black, it will have both green and pink polka dots!! i miss you so muchos heather heim!! call me sometime...i get out of class at 3:45...i'll prolly be working on my womens studies paper...but i def. wanna talk to you!! love ya!


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