i stand for the power to change.

May 29, 2010 17:14

I love music. And I love pretty pictures. So have a music/picspam!

This is mostly going to be my music girl crushes of the moment. Some of these I've been listening to for a while but feel that more people should know of them and some are brand new.

CHANGE hxxp to http

Lea Michele

So it seems like everyone on the planet seems to know who this is, so the photos are pretty generic and this is probably pretty predictable. But because of my Broadway kick I hunted out my Spring Awakening CD (hence, the pic with Groff up there) and oh my gosh, I forgot how much I loved it. For ages I couldn't work out where I knew Lea's voice from and when I did I was extraordinarily happy. She's got such a lovely voice, I would kill to be able to sing like her.

Also, she is really, extraordinarily pretty. There's something a bit different about her features and I think it's gorgeous. Oh my gosh, and her hair? It is so beautiful. I would kill to have hair like that, not even joking. Because it seems like everyone has heard the Glee songs, have a Spring Awakening one:

Mama Who Bore Me

Marina & The Diamonds

Look at that fierce bitch. Just look at her. I have a real thing for brunettes, apparently--especially ones with such pretty hair. I don't really care if I'm predictable. Marina's album is extremely theatrical. I absolutely love it and her voice is kind of odd, but I think that makes it even better. Many of the songs are really, really catchy and I know "Hollywood" was apparently a big deal in the UK but, seriously, it's not even close to the best song on the album.

I can't actually say much about Marina because I don't know much about her. I know she's Welsh, which is adorable, and I know she has some truly hilarious and beautiful photos out there. What I do know is that I love her songs. I've been listening to the album since it came out and, tbh, I only got it because a friend swore up and down that if I looked Florence + the Machine I'd like her. The rest is history. The song I'm sharing is my FAVOURITE. I mean, I can and have listened to this over and over again. "Oh No!" is fabulous, too. If anyone wants that, I'd gladly upload it--it's probably more accessible. "Hermit the Frog" just hit me, right in the stomach when I heard it.

Hermit the Frog

Diana Vickers

This is a new one and therefore have three photos because I, just...look at her! She's so cute. Also, she looks a bit like KBell in the third photo so I kind of had to include it. Diana was on X-Factor a while back. I did not watch it, nor have I ever really watched the show. Talent shows aren't generally my cup of tea (unless Broadway is involved then I'm all over that shit. I live a sad life). So I didn't actually know who this was until I randomly downloaded the album one day.

Then, I found out she decided to go and play Little Voice on stage after X-Factor. And I was just so HAPPY. I love Little Voice. I saw it for the first time when I was about nine years old and it's been ages since I've seen it but I remember the lead character being able to imitate goodness knows how many artists (I clearly remember Judy Garland, though) and I was pretty impressed right off that this chick had got that role. Some of the songs on her album are pretty much the same, but I don't really care. She's cute and most of the songs are fun! This is one of the best of her album, I think--it's bouncy and catchy and I love it.

You'll Never Get to Heaven

Emilie Autumn

HAHAHAHA, please ignore how random and all over the place this is. It genuinely does reflect my music taste, though.

Emilie Autumn is a classically trained musician who has perfect pitch. She has amazing hair and always looks gorgeous, fuck the haters. Her songs are loud and brash and theatrical, for the most part, although she has this absolutely gorgeous album of classical music. She plays the violin and writes poetry and I wish I was half as awesome as she is. Her music is of an industrial/gothic persuasion but please, please, please do not let that put you off because the lyrics tend to be fantastic. She has a song about flipping Rapunzel and Romeo and Juliet and there are classical influences throughout her songs--violins, predominantly. She has such a haunting voice, too, and her songs, I think, have always sucked me in.

If you have been on my last.fm it is apparent how much I love Emilie and, yeah, okay maybe she looks a bit out of place but great music is great music. I would kill to go and see this woman. She is just so good live and sharp and funny and witty and creative and my god. Perfect <33. She hasn't released anything since 2008 which makes me sad, but what there is is fabulous

Misery Loves Company

Marry Me This is hilarious and reminds me a bit of Liz Phair. Listen to both of these songs, seriously, they will show you her range. Also, it can be hard to make out these lyrics but they are witty and brilliant, so Google!

This took an embarrassingly long time to put together. The picture are from all over the web, mostly from Google Image Search (bar Lea Michele, which came from her offical site). If anyone would like any further songs, just ask *g*.

Also, if anyone has them I am always open to music recs *g*.

picspam, music

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