A Vegas Sequel (7/9): Falling Action (Don/Charlie, Storyteller series, NC-17)

Jul 31, 2022 23:56

Title: A Vegas Sequel
Fandom: NUMB3RS
Pairing/Characters: Don Eppes/Charlie Eppes
Rating: FRAO, NC-17
Summary: What happens when Don and Charlie go back to their hotel room...and Don tells another story.
Part 7 of 9: Falling Action
Don tries to satisfy Charlie's post-sex hunger... and soothe Charlie's post-sex panic.
Sequel to: A Vegas Story
Warning: Sibling Incest
Word Count: 2206

Part 7: Falling Action

"I'm furious at you, you know," Charlie said languidly.

Don lay next to him on the bed. Their heartbeats had finally slowed to normal, and they were waiting for their large room service order to arrive.

"Hmm?" Don asked. He was running his fingers over Charlie's exposed chest. Don had put his bathrobe on loosely and Charlie had never taken his completely off. That meant Don got a great view of Charlie's naked front but had yet to get a full look at Charlie's bare ass. Don had been able to hold onto that ass, though, and feel Charlie's orgasm as Charlie had emptied himself down Don's throat. Don was still savoring the taste.

"I'm furious at you," Charlie repeated, still sounding relaxed.

Don circled his fingers down to Charlie's belly, near Charlie's emptied cock and balls. "Was it the amazing blowjob?"

"No… Well, yes, kind of."

"Want me to take it back?"

"Uh, no," Charlie chuckled. "That's the problem. It was the best blowjob I've ever had."

Don smiled, looking up at Charlie's face. "I loved your lap dance, too."

"Yeah, so did I. That's weird. Or problematic. Or emblematic of the problem."

Don wasn't in a hurry for Charlie to get to the point. He loved laying here with Charlie, their bodies sated, but with the tantalizing promise of more to come.

"I get married in two weeks," Charlie said. This was a complaint that he'd given repeatedly. Don ignored it and continued memorizing the swirl patterns of Charlie's chest hair.

"In 329 hours and 12 minutes," Charlie pressed.

"Mmm, I'm more interested in a calculation of how many more minutes we have this hotel room and how many orgasms we can fit in those minutes."

"I'm serious!"

Don grinned. "Me, too."

"What am I supposed to do with this knowledge? That my brother is…queer and gives the best head? How can I be around you now?"

Don's grin vanished. "You won't have to. You'll be in England."

"Not forever!"

"It feels like forever."

Charlie looked at him thoughtfully. "I thought you were okay with me going."

"I'm good at hiding my feelings."

"Yeah, no kidding." Charlie said, "I never thought that you'd be into men like me."

Don wanted to say, 'Not men like you - just you,' but he needed to keep that to himself. That's if he hadn't already given it away.

Instead, Don said, "You know that people think you're adorable."

"Adorable, yes. Desirable? I guess, in a general sort of way. Though it's usually about the fame or the math or something."

"Don't sell yourself short."

"But not wanted. I've never felt wanted… to the level that you show. No wonder people say you're an incredible lover. You make someone feel special, like they're the one person you're thinking about."

Don struggled with the urge to tell Charlie that he was the only one that Don ever thought about.

Fortunately, he was interrupted by a knock on the hotel room door.

"Room service!"

"Coming!" Don called. He sat up and tightened the belt on his bathrobe. "Charlie, go hide in the bathroom."

"What? Why?"

"Think about what this looks like."

"Exactly what it is," Charlie mumbled, but got off the bed and went into the bathroom.

When Charlie had closed the bathroom door behind him, Don picked up his wallet and opened the hotel room door. Outside was a bellhop, pushing one cart and pulling another.

"Room service," the bellhop repeated.

Don waved him to come in.

The man looked around, clearly expecting more people than just Don. "Where would you like it all?"

Don pulled $100 out of his wallet. "Just leave the carts."

The bellhop eyed the money. "We're not supposed to…"

There was a noise from the bathroom and the bellhop's eyes shot in that direction.

Don put on a smile. "The ladies are getting restless. You'd be surprised how many you can fit in a bathroom, though they've got to be squished. But I only had one other robe, hardly enough to go around."

The bellhop's rounded eyes went back to Don and Don held out the cash encouragingly.

The bellhop grabbed the cash. "Leave the carts in the hall," he said. "Have a good night."

"Oh, I already am," Don said slyly.

The bellhop looked at the bathroom again and backed out the room. Don shut the door behind him, then slid over the privacy lock.

Charlie came out of the bathroom. "The ladies are getting restless?"

Don shrugged. "I wasn't going to tell him that I had my brother in there, and he was starving from the sex we just had."

Charlie grunted agreement, but his eyes were on the covered room service plates. He grabbed the nearest lid and uncovered the plate.

"Oo, taquitos," Charlie said. He stuffed one in his mouth and lifted another cover. "Crab wontons!" He took one of those too, but Don stopped him from opening another cover.

"Go grab a drink, I'll get the food."

"But I'm starving!" Charlie protested around his mouth of food.

"I'll feed you."

Charlie chewed and swallowed. "I'll probably bite your fingers."

"Promise?" Don teased.

Charlie grumbled but turned to get some ice water.

Don pulled the chairs close together, then rolled a cart nearby. He'd ordered mostly finger food just for this purpose.

Charlie sat in the chair and Don was ready with a lemon-pepper chicken wing. Charlie gobbled it down, and Don was glad that he'd gotten the boneless version. While Don wanted to know Charlie intimately, that didn't mean taking him to the hospital for X-rays.

Don fed Charlie more chicken wings, taquitos, crab wontons, and when those were gone, some pretzels bites dipped in cheese sauce. Charlie seemed to be both enjoying the food and enjoying trying to catch Don's fingers with his teeth. Occasionally, Charlie would stop eating to lick Don's fingers clean. When Don started in with the pretzel bites, Charlie licked more often.

Don scooped up cheese sauce with one finger and offered it to Charlie. Charlie smirked and began to suck the sauce off Don's finger.

Watching Charlie's hollowing cheeks, Don said hoarsely, "You have no idea how much that turns me on."

Charlie smiled then pulled off Don's finger with a pop. He nodded towards Don's crotch. "I've got some idea."

Don glanced down to see his cock poking up through the opening in his bathrobe. "Sorry about that."

When Don moved to cover himself up, Charlie stopped him with an outstretched hand. "It's okay." He gave Don a crooked smile. "I've never given anyone a hard-on before."

Don snorted. "That you know of."

Charlie looked surprised then thoughtful. Don didn't think that even Charlie could calculate the number of hard-ons that Charlie, or thoughts of Charlie, had given him. The smallest things could do it for Don - Charlie talking, Charlie laughing, Charlie sneezing…

Don reached for the last of the pretzel bites. "Still hungry?"

"I'm starting to slow down," Charlie said with a smile. After chewing the pretzel bites, he took a long drink of water then asked, "Got anything sweet?"

"Of course," Don said. He stood up and began to clear the empty dishes.

Don came back to Charlie with a plate full of round pastry balls. "Lookoomades or something like that." Sitting down, he took hold of one sticky ball. "Greek donuts covered in honey and walnuts."

"Ooh," Charlie said and opened his mouth.

Don waved the donut teasingly in front of Charlie's face, before popping it into Charlie's mouth.

Charlie mmmed in approval as he ate it. Some honey glistened on his lower lip. Don gave his own growl of approval.

When Charlie was ready for the next donut, Don put it slowly into Charlie's mouth, deliberately smearing honey and crushed nuts on Charlie's lips. Charlie chewed the donut and swallowed, but before he could clean off his lips, Don leaned forward and licked Charlie's lips for him.

Charlie pulled back, laughing. "Get your own donut."

"I gave you the best ones," Don said with a smile.

"Are you sure?" Charlie grabbed a donut off the plate and held it between his teeth.

Don immediately accepted the invitation and scooted closer to nibble on the donut. They swallowed their parts then they were kissing eagerly, honey-sticky fingers on each other's faces.

The sweetness of the honey was nothing compared to the sweetness of Charlie's mouth. Don moaned softly. The kiss deepened and Don's hand went to Charlie's hair. Charlie held onto Don's shirt, pulling him closer.

Suddenly, Charlie pushed Don away. "No, no, stop."


"It's too much."

Wiping his mouth, Don sat back in his chair. "What is?"

"Everything!" Charlie brushed crumbs off his face and lap, then closed his robe over an obvious erection. "It's just--"

"Are you still hungry?" Don interrupted quickly.

Charlie shook his head. "I haven't been like this since I was a teenager. I haven't come twice in a day since then, let alone twice in an hour and my body is getting ready for more"

"You've still got honey on your face, I'll get a washcloth." Don jumped up and hurried to the bathroom.

Charlie's voice followed him. "What am I doing here? This behavior is so out of the norm that I'd assume the dataset was corrupt. The k factor of this anomaly is ridiculous!"

Don brought back a wet washcloth. Charlie grabbed it from him and wiped off his face and fingers. Don found himself shaking. Was Charlie going to leave now? Don wanted more, more! He thought he'd at least get one night. Just one hour for the rest of his life?

Indeed, Charlie stood up, mumbling, "Where are my clothes…"

"If that's what you want," Don said, trying to sound casual. He gave up the ruse and pleaded, "Please Charlie, just stay. We don't have to do anything else."

"The damage has been done," Charlie said, pausing to get a drink of water, then looking around for his clothes again.

Don took a tight hold on his panic. He didn't think Charlie would react well to Don getting on his knees and begging.

Gathering himself, Don put on a teasing smile that never failed to work with other lovers. "If the damage has already been done, why not stay and enjoy yourself?"

Charlie paused, frowning thoughtfully.

"We've got some more food," Don said, leaning towards Charlie. "Nice hotel room, comfortable beds."

Charlie looked over at the bed they had been laying on earlier.

Don lowered his voice and said, "I could tell you the rest of that story I started earlier…"

Charlie turned back to Don, smiling slightly.

Swallowing a big grin, Don said, "Like that idea?"

Charlie shrugged, his face reddening. "You know I love your stories."

"Great." Don tried not to show his deep relief. He picked up the half-empty donut plate and put the cover back on it. "Save these for later? I mean, if you want donuts…later."

"Sure." Charlie picked up the washcloth again and scrubbed it over his face. Under the cloth, he said, "Maybe I should calculate how far the reachability distance of this new point is. Are we trying to create a new generalized locality?" He paused, then said, "It's Vegas, it's just Vegas. That's what's created the significant deviation in terms of univariate Gaussian distribution."

"I'm going to put on my sleep clothes, okay?" Don said. "Then I'll put the empty cart outside."

Charlie tossed the washcloth aside. "Yeah, pajamas." He went to his suitcase and began looking. Don's eyes couldn't help following that bulge in his bathrobe.

When Charlie turned back around, Don was minding his own business, something he'd perfected through long practice. Don picked up his shorts, underwear, and old Rangers t-shirt. Just like he had this morning, he let his bathrobe drop to the floor and got dressed with Charlie nearby.

He didn't look to see if Charlie was watching.

But hoped he was.

He gave Charlie a long moment, then turned around. Charlie was standing there in his blue striped pajamas, Don's favorite. The pants were a little tight in the ass and the first shirt button was low so it showed a bit of chest hair. Don put his eyes back on the room service carts, moving plates around to accumulate dirty dishes on one cart and uneaten items on the other.

Don opened the door and looked up and down the hall. It was empty. Not as if Don looked like anything was happening, anyway. Shaking his head, Don pushed the dish cart out into the hallway.

"Oh, orange juice," Charlie said behind him, and took a full glass from the remaining cart.

Don closed and locked the door behind him and watched Charlie drink. He didn't know how he was going to resist the need to kiss Charlie again. What he did know is that Charlie had been ready to walk out the door just now. What had stopped him? The same thing that had gotten Charlie to come up to the room in the first place.

Don's unexpected secret weapon.

Don put a smile on his face. "Okay, how about we get back to that story?"

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