Title: Scary Movies? I've Seen Ghostbusters, Like, Seven Times
Author: darklashes03
Rating: Nc17
Summary: Dianna loves ghosts...Lea not so much.
A/N: Ok so this was for an amazing prompt over at glee_fluff_meme which I stumbled upon last night...and as I'm going to post this I'm seeing it's already been filled...well I guess there can never be too much
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Comments 46
Like always awesome work :)
Thanks so much<3
The Lea/Naya was perfect, they're complety whipped
Thanks so much for reading<3
I totally feel that way when I'm writing it, I guess that's why I always do Dianna's perspective. I like thinking that's how she views the world all whimsical and lovely...and in this case a little spooky too!
Yes I totally know what you mean, and by that I mean I do it too Books, movies, songs...if I love it that means I'm going to be rereading/rewatching/relistening and that inevitably leads to me finding even more things to love about them!
The To Do List, yeah number 5 was the most important...seriously safety in numbers right?
That song is amazing<3
Yeah they were like mandatory in the 90's:)
Achele sexy!times it just makes any story better...visually I mean:)
Totally got carried away with the ghost story. Honestly it was so dreary on Sunday when I wrote it and you can see two lighthouses from my backyard, add in the Hush Sound and boom!
...and I couldn't leave the ghost sticking around spreading the spooky or Lea would never sleep over<333 ( ... )
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