Title: Become a Companion Today!
Fandom: Doctor Who
Summary: Five reasons on why you should become a companion today. Now with previous companion testimonials!
Spoilers: Mostly New Who, some Old Who, nothing really concrete and no plot points really given away. It does spoil bits of the end of Season 5.
Darklightluna and
theladyroseAuthor's notes: Guess what
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Comments 35
You know you love us, the remaining TC's
I agree that the companion retirement plan is a concern. One cannot keep running forever!
Our response about the pension plan:
Due to regulations regarding time travel and compound interest, we cannot guarantee that the Earth equivalent of a pension plan legally applies on star systems in accordance with the Shadow Proclamation. Based on exemplary experience with multiple incarnations for the figure with whom you primarily accompany, however, a sonic screwdriver may ultimately be awarded, which has a unique effect on ATMs in all but 42 star systems. Also, see above re: personal growth.
In addition, extra limbs can be grown as needed. Bacta tanks are standing by. Please review immortality clauses as needed.
-Luna and Rose
As for companions, do they go in order of: 1. Martha, 2. Mickey, 3. Rose, 4. Donna, 5. Susan, 6. Rory, 7. Jack, 8. Sarah Jane, and 9. Amy?
This was hilarious ~ thanks for the read. And I totally won't be secretly looking for this while job-hunting. |D
Thanks! Tell us how the job turns out! :D
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