While learning more about current dividers and parallel circuitry as well as voltage dividers and series circuits; something occurred to me. In a current divider circuit, the value of total resistance is less than the sum of the individual resistances. In fact, it is less than the value of the lowest resistor
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Comments 4
Solipsism can include holism inside of itself. Since nothing else exists outside of your own existance, then yours is the only one that matters. But even if you are the only sentience that exists, you may still be greater than the sum of your parts. Examining each piece of your psyche by itself may not be able to explain the emergent properties that occur when they are all combined into a whole.
What I'm looking for is the -1 to my 1. The thing that says that when you add up all of the parts into a whole; the whole is somehow less than all of its parts combined.
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