I liked the movie.
But that's a gimme, the movie was marketed to me. The hard core fan who's also into the beastie boys and boobs.
And the whole internet likes it, getting hardcore positives from rotten tomatoes, Harry Knowles shitting himself with joy over it.
But this wasn't a Star Trek movie.
The phasers were blasters, the Star Ships were X-Wings, Alderaan was destroyed, even Scotty had a freaking Ewok.
And of course they destroyed Vuclan, the calm logical mind of the federation.
Revenge is not Logical people.
There was no higher purpose to Star Fleet, no humanity reaching the best it could, it was shoot the bad guy before he shoots you. The movie was fluff, beautiful lens flarey fluff, but it had no depth, no logic to it, it could have been told in 40 minutes easy.
Think back to the best star Trek Movies.
Wrath of Khan was Moby Dick.
The Voyage Home was Sleepless in San Francisco.
And The Undiscovered Country was about 4 different shakespear themes thrown into a country just getting out of the cold war.
They had plots. They had depth.
Of course I'm just being an old Fart Fanboy, I remember a time when there were more Klingons then Stormtroopers at Cons.
But it bothers me they had to Kill Kirks Dad, Spocks Mom, and an entire World. It was dramatic overkill and lazy storytelling. It's almost like a huge middle finger to continuity. They made such a big thing about putting in little trinkets to appease star trek fans and they ripped out what makes the federation the federation.
And nobody seems to care, it's not bothering anybody. Maybe it's because we're at the cool kids table for a bit and we sort of like it, but I'm sort of used to being a bitter outcast for being a Trekkie and I have no problem calling it like I see it.
This was not a Star Trek movie.
Go see it anyhow.