Super geek week

Apr 07, 2009 09:27

So seeing as the weather is crappy here today and I can't get out to try to get my life in order I decided to further the geeky awesomeness of this week. So I checked out three of the new (and in some cases "new") anime for the spring.

First up the new Full Metal Alchemist. Now I really enjoyed the first one and don't mind watching reruns when it is on tv. Now the fandom did kind of make it less enjoyable but it is still good. So I thought why not. Now I know most everyone tells me how great the manga is but I never read through it. So this is just going by the first episode but it looks good so far. It is kind of cool to see characters and world you already know going with a different story. It made me feel nostalgic for the good ol' days and reminded me of Risembool Ryo. With just those two things I look forward to watching it.

Speaking of feeling nostalgic that lead to the next show Dragonball Kai. Now I love Dragonball and still kind of like Dragonball Z and after hearing the basic idea of Kai I was pretty excited for it. I have also noticed a lot of other people were/are too. So this was a must see. Well after watching it I have to say it really is nothing special. It is just Z but in Japanese so far. I really like the idea of cutting out a lot of the usless stuff but I thought they were going to update the animation a bit. Not just give it a new opening. I still enjoy it and will watch it just cause the story telling I am sure will be much better with things cut. Though the part in the beginning with Freeza being shown I thought was good cause it makes the character seem less like he came out of nowhere. The one thing that bugs me the most and I didn't even think would though are the voices. I hate Goku's voice. It doesn't fit, at least when he starts to yell. I guess that is what happens when you grow up with the English dub.

Finally and the big surprise of the season for me is Basquash. This show seems like it will be pretty awesome. The first episode was a lot of fun and I hope it keep going at that level. If you haven't seen/heard anything about it yet all you need to know is Mechs playing Basketball. I know it sounds insane but it is AWESOME. Now the show itself was surprising in how good it is but the thing that really got me was it was created buy Thomas Romain. I had known it was by someone who work on Oban(he directed) which is why I checked it out in the first place. However I didn't know it was created by the guy that made Code Lyoko. Pretty crazy stuff. This will be my major following this season.

Kind of crazy that like after 2 years of not really watching anything new I am back into watching shows as they come out. Thus proving I will never escape from it. Over all a good way to spend the morning. Now I wait till tomorrow when the weather will be better and I can try to stop being so reclusive.
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