i just wanted to let you know that we have seen your request and one of us will get back to you as soon as possible. it might be a couple of days, but i just wanted to let you know that if you can wait a few days, we can do it for you. thanks for letting us do it! ^_^
Thanks so much! im so happy!! Anyway, i just found out that my AOL e-mail is very messed up, i dont recieve all the mail im supposd to. so if you read this before your done, could you please send it to distinctive_fan@hotmail.com if you cant, then i guess ill just have to wait and see if i get it.. but again, Thank you so much!
ok, i am partially done with the first draft. i just have a few questions. i was wondering what color you wanted the background. i assumed white, but then i would rather know before i am done, so i thought i would check. also, what style ideas were you thinking of like swirls or lines or stars or "grungey" or whatever. i could probably come up with something, but i just thought i would check with you for ideas. let me know and i will send you the first rough draft. ^_^
yeah, i think the backround would be good white. . for the style ideas. im not sure. What does the grungey look like? if it looks good, go with that. if not, then you can pick (your the expert) lol. . that good? OH! i have a question. does the layout come in html code? (stupid question, but some are just pictures) okay, Thanks again!!
her is the first draft...finally: first rough draft. so, have a look at it and let me know what you think, just email me about it rather than writing it here. don't be afraid to be honest, i will keep working on it until you are happy with it. i can add or change or start over...whatever you want. i just needed somewhere to start. also, let me know if you want any link and cursor decorations (right now i have it set to crosshair and glowing) and if you want any page transitions. if you are not sure of all of the options, let me know and i will mail you a list. so, yeah, just email me about all of it and we will go from there ^_^.
Comments 5
i am partially done with the first draft. i just have a few questions. i was wondering what color you wanted the background. i assumed white, but then i would rather know before i am done, so i thought i would check. also, what style ideas were you thinking of like swirls or lines or stars or "grungey" or whatever. i could probably come up with something, but i just thought i would check with you for ideas. let me know and i will send you the first rough draft. ^_^
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