Just a place where this freaky plot-thing can be bounced around ...
And to make up for that other beast, this one is under a cut :3
So, I'm trying out a few ideas in my head. :3 But before I go too far, I need to ask a few things ... and want to toss the whole mess open for comments and opinions, besides.
First and most important:
Comfort Zones.
I need to know them. Nothing is set in stone yet, and I want to know what if anything to stay the hell away from *nods decidedly* Blaze has the makings of being a smidge on the disturbing side, and I want this to be fun for everyone. Can't do that if I upset someone IRL. V2-mun, this includes the nastiness due your poor navi ..
I also plan to take requests -- plot twists for / against, injuries (or none, within reason) ... even shiny toys to steal from the big bad Blaze. XD He's a ferocious programmer after all, and tinkers with copyloids; I wouldn't be surprised if there's interesting things kicking about ..
Enzan-mun, do you want Enzan to have a good shot at killing the bastard? :3 I could keep him around as a potential adversary for later (or for sending non-darkloid nastybad critters into the RV network), but the option's there if you want it XD
That's about it for now; I need sleep. o.O But feel free to comment here -- and if there are are questions / details that someone might by chance not want shared in public for fear of ruining plot, email me. Or I could put up another OOC post with screened comments (might be a bit much, though~)