Title: Sleeping Beauty
Fandom: Pokémon
Summary: Green, during her birthday, is cursed by the evil witch Leaf and is put into a deep slumber that only her true love's kiss can awaken. But, Leaf is not about to lose to a bunch of fools.
Disclaimer: I don't own Pokemon or Sleeping Beauty.
Pairings/Characters: Red/Green, PokeSpe! Red/Green, and Remake
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Comments 35
And goodness, this totally feels like a Shakespearean comedy where everyone (Pokemon included?!) gets married at the end XDDDD Perhaps Wataru, Shijima and Katsura can all get married to each other and complete the circle of love.
I know, right? I was hesitant to make them all get married, but all three Greens threaten to tie me up if I didn't. So I had to give it to them; those possessive dorks! XD
That's a good idea! This story could always have more crack and we don't want Wataru, Shijima, and Katsura to feel lonely, do we?
btw, I'm Sachiko (if you do remember) from that time in pixiv chat during Green's Bday with Nerin and Phz and someone i can't remember lol.
I remember you~! I think the one you're trying to remember is Kiuolo, maybe? xDD
And I'm pretty slow, but... TWEWY fan! <33
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