October Loot!

Oct 29, 2012 01:53

So, with only three days left in October, I got my October loot! Only one more month to go before I'm done spending for the rest of the year, yay~

Due to Ranma 1/2 suddenly going OOP on me, I had decided to start catching up on the anime I've been waiting in case they, too, go OOP. The first package comes from Right Stuf who I've found to been pretty good price wise, though Amazon does have cheaper prices at times. This would be my second package with the site, having using them only once. I was quite surprised by the condition of the manga they sent.

Right Stuf was also having a Funimation sale, so I hopped on the chance.

I've also got a the Got Anime? membership and yes, it does pay for itself! Okay, this package didn't exactly paid for it, but it was close! About $7 I've saved. The Slayers box set was cheaper on Amazon, but with the membership, I saved a few cents.

Off Amazon, I bought this gem from Right Stuf's Amazon's store.

It was also cheaper, but by $3 despite the sale! And it's the only Case Closed set that was worth it as it has Kaitou Kid's first appearance and my favorite eps in it. Sadly, Haibara's appearance never made it to a set else I would also had picked it up. Sucks.


Remember that Bandai has left American shores and everything they were selling is going OOP (or has gone OOP), I quickly did another order (as I forgot during the previous order...)

Annnnnnnd~ I got these!

It's not exactly everything I wanted from Bandai, but due to laziness I sadly never finished some of the shows I was interested in. ...Like Gundam. I had actually started the original Gundam and G Gundam, but got bored/distracted and put them on hiatus. *sigh* Maybe that's a good thing as the sets were going for 38$ each. Yowch. Gundam 00 Season 1 I gotten since I liked the season, but the series does have some faults (like most of the second season. xP). I ignored getting Gundam Wing since on a re-watch it sucked balls, but the fanfiction was still good.

But, I had to get some Toward the Terra. I got the three parts for $9 each and save $10 compared to the complete collection which was also $35

The Natsume Yuujinchou set was one I happily preordered as soon it popped up and I'm very lucky to be starting to catch up and not miss it. The set is very beautiful and the box is (or seems like) it's water-colored. Very nice~ The artbook is also very nice and it's just too bad that the special item was a blah Nyanko backpack rather actual blank Book of Friends. I would love that. xD Overall, I do love it...

...Only my bad luck HAD to hit. Because my poor Natsume box is torn, in TWO places.

Yeah, seriously, wtf? I've emailed Right Stuf, but I'm still waiting for a reply. Come on, guys, before they all run out! Then....

I notice the poor box.

Daaaang, what happened to you, Right Stuf box?!

...Well, whatever.

Next, is my other Amazon order. Yay~

I've finally gotten rid of my YYH singles that I had forever, so I can some YYH blu-rays. One at a time, though, since they still cost quite the penny unlike the DVD sets. That said, I should watch the YYH OVAs since I never seen them.... Hmm, maybe later. xD Lina was just a special extra to get me some free shipping. She's darn cute, though!

Everyone assemble!

Hey, Lina, you too!

Perfect. ♥

Last, but not least is two orders I got from a site called Secondspin. They sell used media, such as DVDs and CDs and games.

Story time!

And I had found this site by chance due to lurking and found they had a Ranma 1/2 box set I had been eying. I already had the fatter one, but the thinpak looked too tempting especially when they're all together. Plus, I had gotten another fat one (season 1) and I didn't want another fatter one.

I was originally going to get it from RACS and for free with trade-in credit as it was only about $46.... only to find out I took too long. By the time I traded it in, the price had increased to $150! Seriously, what the heck! I *could* of gotten the box set for about 30$, sure, but that would require me to use *all* of 100$+ worth of trade-in credit. And I can use that for a figure or something instead.

So, this site with it being only 20-something bucks seemed like a good deal. With shipping and sales tax (ugh) it was pretty much $28 total.

Now, first off, this site... isn't that good even for the deals. The site don't tell you the condition of the items, so you're playing a non-lethal Russian Roulette. You could get something excellent and for cheap or something blah for not that cheap(er). That's already a strike.

Second strike came when I had went to ask to see if the box set was going to be the correct one as all they had was a stock photo. Their reply? "Lol, we don't know and won't look because we have so many items to look through!" Basically, they have barely any inventory system in place, just upping the Russian Roulette factor.

The third strike is the sales tax bit, so I was pretty worried about the condition of the sets I was going to receive.

And the Ranma 1/2 Season Four thinpak condition?


Yes, that is a stain on the shrinkwrap. I don't know what what they were thinking.

It even came some random DVD. It was between two DVD cases and they definitely didn't know it was there.

There was some kind of pink thing on it (you may be able to see it on the disc), but it peeled off easily. Good thing for that...

I would of been okay with the box being somewhat beat up around the edges IF the discs were practically scratch free. Problem is that where some discs ARE pretty clear, one is HORRIBLY scratched. It looked like it had gotten lose once before and was rattled around, causing the disc to be scratched.

I don't have a picture for it, but trust me, it looks pretty bad. A few other discs have what looks like a cloud/stain around it. It worries me that the disc are in the middle of becoming rotten. A few of my fatter box set discs are also becoming the same way and I had that thing for years.

For $28, I'm not sure if it's worth it. Why?

There's one that's going for $42 Like New and $3 for shipping on by a Marketplace seller. That's a 17 dollar difference for a good looking box and good discs. But, with the cloudy-ness, I'm not sure if spending that much more is worth it.

I'm divided on it. The only thing that's stopping me is simply that I got the last one. There was 2 when I first found it, but I took too long to buy it as I waiting on the freaking useless email! Grrrr!

Moral of the story: Get any item that's OOP while you can even if you have a way to get it for seemingly free. If you can't get for free within a week or a few days, even, just get it! I would of had only paid 30-something bucks for a brand new one and it would of been worth it in the end!

Dang it. *sob*


I had bought two other sets before they were gone suddenly as the Ranma 1/2 box set was before it popped up again.

Their condition?


(Except for that darn torn off sticker!)

Funny, the one set that I cared about the least, the Tylor OVA Ultra Edition, was in the BEST condition. All the discs barely had any scratches and it looked like it was watched once before it was sold. This was only about $25 and it was going on Right Stuf's sale for $45 before they sold out. That's half off! (eBay has a Very Good used one going for $45, actually. xD)

Pretty sweeeeet.

Strike four: Those darn used stickers! Ugh, they'll be a pain to get off! Poor Tylor box has two of them to boot!

Next, is the Le Chevilar D'eon Complete Collection that had went OOP once the S.A.V.E version came out. Not wanting that ugly green strip, I found this for pretty cheap. $15!

This was going quite well until I started getting to the last discs. *sigh* They started to get more scratched and the last disc had what looked like 3 bad wide scratches. It's not a line, but rather like someone had took a tiny piece of the disc off. (Think when you pick at chipped paint.)

I'm not sure how bad that would affect the playing, so I plan on seeing if it effects anything and if so, if I can fix it with my disc cleaner.

Heck, I plan on fixing that scratched Ranma 1/2 disc before I decide of keeping or returning it. Depending on how bad it is in the end will decide if I keep it or not (or if a cheaper Like New appears on the marketplace or eBay. Here's to hoping!). Heck, maybe one day, Ranma 1/2 will come back in print and come out on Blu-ray. Maybe. (Even though, I'll be mad I bought all the thinpaks for nothing. xD)

So, how do I rate this site? 3/5 stars.

Will I buy from them again? I say no. Unless I need something really OOP, which I want to avoid, I'll stick to other places if possible or heck, stick to buying it NEW. If anything, this site along with the whole Ranma 1/2 OOP drama, I'm going to focus on getting things before they go on OOP. Anime and manga both. It sucks that I missed Mushishi and Kyou Kara Maou, though... They're going too high to be worth having them.

And to end on a happy note, while waiting for the disappointments, my dearest Stocking figure comes in. Stocking also has story in that Alter QC missed how messed up her bangs were. Just about everyone was saying that their Stocking's bangs were messed up with bad painting, fingerprints, and even a strand of hair! Yowza.

So, I was a bit worried about mine and...

She came out fine! =D Her bangs do have a little mistakes in the painting with there being some pink where it doesn't belong. But, overall, from what I can see in the box, I got lucky with getting a good Stocking. It's nothing some paint can't fix.

You won't be able too see any of that in the pictures, though. So, enjoy.

figures, loot, anime dvds

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