School ended today. Which means I now have time.
Hawai'i Itinerary and events:
Day One: Monday, May 30
6:45 - Get to San Francisco Airport. Check into Hawai'ian Airlines, board 8:40 flight. The onboard food wasn't bad (though I hate pretzels), and we arrived in Honolulu at about 11 AM. My first impression of Honolulu: Meh. The weather was nice, and all, but it looked just like any other airport. Our bus arrived and we boarded it, and Mrs. Lee handed out those Portugese doughnuts - forgot what they're called. Three kinds: normal (sugar coated), coconut (sugar coated with coconut filling), and guava-filled (also sugar-coated).
Mmm, pasta.
I would SWEAR that's a sub. Damn Ruskies. XD
These Hawai'ians. They've got way too much time on their hands.
Humorous moment #1: Derek bites into those doughnut things. It's coconut. Clearish-white coconut filling spills out onto his pants. Yes, there. I don't have a picture of it, but I'm sure there's one I can steal from someone.
We stop off at Wal-Mart (damn those industrialized conglomerates dominating the retail market) and and stuff. Law and Jimmy buy a pack of Mountains. For those who don't know, Mountains are milk-chocolate chunks embedded with Macadamia nuts. They buy a pack. Of 7 boxes. With 15 pieces each.
Humorous moment #2: In Wal-Mart, group spots a semi-retarded man bouncing a ball and going "hur-hur" (yes, the way you think - Hillbilly style). Some point and laugh. Group moves on. Newton spots bouncy balls. Newton grabs bouncy balls and bounces it, going "Guess who I am? Hur-hur?"
Voice from behind: "Can I play?"
Yep. It's that guy. Newton SCREAMS like a girl and runs off screaming. He runs smack-dab into a big, buff black man. Black man gives Newton Death Glare. Newton runs off and hides.
So we head to a Japanese supermarket...Daiyo or something. Eat KFC (damn you chains stifling small businesses, and damn me for supporting them). Buy pastries from small Chinese bakery for breakfast. Head to the hotel - Ohana East in the Waikiki Area. Four guys - two beds and a cot. Since Thomas and Law don't seem to care, they get to share. Me and Jimmy fight over the bed. We decide to settle later.
Waikiki beach. Water is SALTY AS HELL. Not swimmable. Resort to doggy-paddle. Many nasty-ass sharp rocks about twenty feet out. Lots of tourists - one lady near us gets purse stolen. Feet cut by nasty-ass sharp rocks. Brine stings eyes. Brine stings cuts. Vow never to go to this beach again. Will runs off and chaperones don't notice. Hah.
Return to hotel. Chaperones think they're going to trolley stop. No trolleys stop for about twenty minutes. Nice longass walk to the damn trolley stop. Trolley ride to Ala Moana shopping center (bigass four-story shopping mall). Buy Taco Bell (DAMN THOSE COMPANIES) and save Chalupa for snack. Walk mall with Jimmy, see many, many expensive shops. Chanel, jewelers, Coach, Prada, Louis Vuiton, Gucci. Way to expensive anyways. Buy Starbucks. (Those companies just don't let up - ah well, I might be working there in summer). Walk mall some more. Leave.
Pizza Hut RSX? WTF?
Back to hotel to organize next day's activities.
1. Ala Moana Shopping Center (Again? WTF? No.)
2. Hike Diamondhead Trail (Dad said it was boring, and my feet hurt from cuts. No.)
3. Stay in Waikiki Area (That's my thing.)
Me and Jimmy are too lazy to fight out for who gets the bed. We share, and I stay up watching Comedy Central and ESPN until the wee hours of the night. The cot goes to my damp towel.
Will update tomorrow with Tuesday's events. And I'll actually put in the pictures. Fwar.
Graduation approaches quickly - we're set for graduation on Sunday, and I'm helping play violin for their special number. And Mrs. Kotler is bitching at me 'cuz I might not make the 9 AM practice. 'scuse me, instrumentals are just fine. Go bitch at the vocalists - rather, the vocalists that don't try. And don't threaten me with that "you're not going to play" bullshit either. Without me, your instrumental part goes to hell. Lawrence can do my part, but who's going to do his? That's what I thought. No one. So the instrumentalists won. We don't have to practice.
And...they never told me I had to speak. Well, not speak per se, just read the introductions on the podium and . Damn my overly low voice - this is going to be a disaster, and I'm warning you.
Finished my portion of the Senior Canvas in record time. I have my rendition of the Vic Viper (Gradius, anyone?) with my name in the blue energy trail. Yes, my name *is* Josh.
Niece's Kindergarten promotion was tonight. I *might* have pics of that. They're on dad's camera, which I'm not sure I want to fetch.