All together now class... What... The... Crap?

May 28, 2004 23:25

I don't think I've had a more odd IM in the last year. I'd also like to add to the faact that it was downright civil to the core, no rauchy acts of displeasure and what have you...

not made for me: Do you recognize the screen name: PoNaX 2007?
Felicia Dobson: No, I'm afraid I don't. Why?
not made for me: Only wondering.
Felicia Dobson: Ah. Alright.
not made for me: Do you know anyone by the name of Christina?
not made for me: Online that is.
Felicia Dobson: Hm.. no, I don't think I do.
not made for me: How about Tina?
Felicia Dobson: No, I don't.
not made for me: Ok..only wondering. Was going to ask you a question if you did.
not made for me: Interesting "on going investigation" on the person, as I heard from someone.
not made for me: So it's being 'passed around' if anyone knows the person.
Felicia Dobson: Right, well I'm not sure how you got my name. But I honestly don't know any Christina or Tina, sorry.
not made for me: Only yours is being 'passed around' as well.
Felicia Dobson: Passed around?
not made for me: Are you the individual from Virginia, North Dakota, or California?
Felicia Dobson: I live in California, yes. but I don't see how that matters much to anyone other than people I know.
not made for me: As said before, all of my information from one person is sketchy.
Felicia Dobson: Ah, well. From my understanding, and please, I mean no offense to you but I haven't a clue as you what you're really going on about.
not made for me: Yes, I know. I haven't a clue either, I was only questioning along to see if I could find any real answers.
not made for me: I am sorry I have disturbed you.
Felicia Dobson: Well, I'm sorry. I doubt I know anything more than you do at the moment.
Felicia Dobson: And I don't see how it really involves me anyway if I'm not aware of my being so.
not made for me: As I said before, my information is sketchy and you have proved to me that the information is most likely false.
Felicia Dobson: Ah, well I suppose I'm glad to have been able to prove it or so I think.
not made for me: Yes. Do you mind sharing your age?
Felicia Dobson: Well, in a way I do. Depending on the reason that is.
not made for me: I see. Do not worry, I will not encourage or 'push' you into giving out your age.
Felicia Dobson: Well, the issue that stands is that I've had problems before giving out information to those whom I don't know before and I'd like to rather not let it happen again.
not made for me: Understandable.
Felicia Dobson: May I ask, if you don't mind. How you came to find me and just who you might be?
not made for me: I will have to keep that private as for my own safety and privacy. I know I have invaded yours and I am terribly sorry.
Felicia Dobson: I see then, it's not a problem at all I suppose.
not made for me: Yes.
not made for me: I have taken up enough of your time. Once again, I apologize for my lack of respect.
not made for me: Have a good night.
Felicia Dobson: That's quite alright. I'm sure you have finer things to do anyway than waste it on someone like me. Ha. G'Night.
not made for me: Let me assure you it was not a waste of time. Thank you for your more than likely valid input on false accusations. Good night!MHS


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