At 174,366 words today. More revelations and magic shopping. Tomorrow should bring an action scene.
Mechanism of Harmony
This is kind of based off of Yggdrasil, but the way it looks is based off of Macalania Woods in Final Fantasy X.
The Maester nodded. “I can tell you what it is.” He shook his head. “However, I cannot tell you how to fix it. That knowledge lies in the other world.”
“It sounds like some kind of instrument,” Sarah said thoughtfully.
“Not exactly,” the Maester replied, smiling. “It’s a tree.”
Bill frowned. “A tree?”
“Yes.” The older man nodded. “It is a crystalline tree attuned to the flow of aether. As it flows through the branches of the tree, a melody is played. It is this melody that allows the two worlds to exist in harmony.”
“Kind of like wind chimes,” Hikari commented, smiling.
“It sounds beautiful,” Sarah added.
Second Quest
This is setting up the second book before we even finish the first.
“Can you tell us where this tree is?” Bill asked.
The Maester frowned. “I’m afraid not. It is highly likely that the people of that other world may know. Research shows that they are a much more spiritual people than we are. They are likely to be more attuned to their world and perhaps even ours.”
Cain crossed his arms. “The fact that the tear was caused by someone from there makes that obvious.”
I just liked Momo here and Cain's reaction to what she said.
“Is there anything else you can tell us?” Hikari asked in her gentle voice. “Any advice?”
The older man frowned. He looked at Cain. “Only that you master recycling your aether before you confront the Sorceror.” He glanced at the others and then returned his gaze to the former knight. “They are going to need you if you hope to fix the tear and confront the cause of it.”
Cain’s expression darkened as he shifted his gaze to the floor.
“So, no pressure, Cain,” Momo joked, slipping her small hand to the former knight’s arm.
A small smile crossed his face. He patted the young construct’s hand and then met the Maester’s eyes. “Thank you for your information and advice. We should go.” He pushed himself away from the wall and started to head towards the door.
Sarah's Joy
“Oh, and young Sarah?” the older man called as Sarah and the others started to follow Cain.
Sarah stopped and nervously faced the Maester.
“When you have completed your journey, seek Runach again and I will see to it that you complete your alchemy education free of charge,” the Maester said with a small smile.
Sarah’s eyes widened as a big grin lit up her face. She bowed low. “Thank you, Maester. Thank you so much.”
Mystical Mercantile
Thanks to Mary for the name. I so wish I could visit this shop.
Mystical Mercantile turned out to be a medium-sized shop set back from Market Street a ways. In fact, they had almost walked past it the first time. Like many of the other buildings in Runach, the shop was built of stone. A chimney on the roof puffed smoke that occasionally turned different colors. The sign consisted of an intricate device used to track the movement of the sun and the moon. The interior of the shop filled Sarah with excitement as soon as they passed through the door. Shelves lined every wall of the shop, only leaving a little space for the windows. These shelves were filled with leather-bound tomes, crystals, phials, flasks with different colored liquids, various stones, and many other things. Display cases were spaced throughout the center of the main floor. These contained even more alchemical components and scrolls as well as daggers and small knives. Barrels sat in various locations displaying different types of staves. The second floor seemed to house more of the magical artifacts, armors, and weapons. At the back of the first floor was the desk where an old woman sat, watching the few customers wander around her shop.
© 2011 Jessica M. Walshaw