we've reached it...it's the last public entry...here's where i list who goes and who stays...to some, i'm sorry you're being cut and please don't be offended...to others, if you aren't offended, i havent done my job...but anyway...here it is...
_penumbra_ - ella, if you think you're going you are sadly mistaken...i lurves you!
alyndria - jenna, you're staying...we need to hang out soon
angelfire86 - renny, you're staying
apoetic_tragedy - sorry, you're cut
apterous - birdy, you're staying...i love you, hun
beautifulraven - sam...i'm sorry...you're staying...haha!
bitchgoddessdm - DM! you're staying, because you're cool and i love your music
callistabird - JoA...you're staying...
drdru2005 - who's staying? dru's staying
evremore_megami - lauren...i <3 you...you're staying
fadingstar04 - liz, you're staying whether you like it or not...i love you
fairtechymaiden - debbi, you're staying
fallenangelgrl - karen, i was considering cutting you...but we talked a few days ago, and you seem to be the only one of liz's friends i like...you're staying
frazzzledvirtue - sammy...you're staying...i hope we start talking more
igma - jen! you're staying because i love you...and i'm not a freshman, damnit
jadeweasal - josh, start updating and i'll keep you
kalendrina - hmm...this is amanda palmer...she is yet to update her journal...but she's from the Dresden Dolls, so i'll keep her a little longer
maxgda432 - kristin...you stay
orangefaerie - ha...i'd rather burn my eyes out with a cigar than to see your little bulldog face on your icon every time i look at my friends-list...
raving_mad - freshegg...you stay
rosa_mccain - sorry, but you're cut...we don't talk and i usually don't read your journal...sorry :-/
scarletlove - i've been arguing this a lot lately...we don't talk anymore...and you rarely update...i'm gonna cut you...but i might add you back later...IM me...
silver_wolfess - kept
silverfields - ducky, you stay
sinistrala - sorry, you're cut
sixtornwings - we don't talk a whole lot, but i love reading your journal...dijana, you're staying
sleepyhead3am - i can't remember the last time you updated...you're gone
tormenteddreams - you're staying because i love reading your LJ
tribal_wolf - katie, you're staying
turnedtogrey - kelly, you're staying
viel_of_shadows - amy, we need to start talking again...you're staying
violentkiss - sorry, you're gone
watashinosekai - i met you when your name was surrealism...you welcomed me into a community...thank you for that...but i'm sorry...you're cut...if we start talking again, i'll add you back
x_forsaken_x - why the fuck is this still here? get away
that really wasn't as many people cut as i thought it would be...huh...
sorry to everyone who got cut...i'm not listing the communties on my list, cuz 4 of them are mine and the 5th is
angelic_purpose...which you should all join, cuz its going kinda slow...okeedokee...i'll go now...