Ohai Sylar icons, I've missed you. ♥
Aaaaaand have another meme. :D
runawayballista INSTRUCTIONS:
1. Comment with any fandom(s) (AS MANY AS YOU LIKE) off the following list.
2. I will respond with which character from each fandom I think you are most like.
3. In turn, respond similarly for me :3
The fandoms! )
Comments 12
30 Rock
Marvel Comics
Sherlock Holmes
30 Rock - Kenneth. "But that's a story for another time. Right now!"
Marvel comics - Shadowcat. I can't think of any of her quotes atm, but her way of speaking in general in the Astonishing X-Men series reminds me of you. XD
Sherlock Holmes - BBC!Moriarty. Alot of your capslock!entries remind me of him XD "I'm SoooOOOooOOO changeable!"
I need to watch BBC!Sherlock, though. I'm such a bad fan.
Kiss Kiss Bang Bang
Star Trek
k GO
House - Wilson. "You planning a coup? That's very ancient Rome. You'll need a toga of course, and a sword."
KKBB - Harmony! "Badly's an adverb, so to say you feel badly suggests that the mechanism that allows you to feel is broken."
Star Trek - Bones. "Should we, I don't know, fire back?"
So now, how does this next part work? Do I comment here with the characters from the fandoms I picked that I think you are most like, or do I repost the whole thing in my own journal?
Venture Brothers!
Venture Bros. - Dr.Venture "Why is it every time I need to get somewhere, we get waylaid by jackassery?"
How I Met Your Mother
30 Rock
Doctor Who
Kiss Kiss Bang Bang
The Big Bang Theory
Sherlock Holmes
House - House. "That's absurd. I love it."
30 Rock - Tracy. "Parties are like frisbees. If you throw them the wrong way, they'll veer off in a bad direction, and then your kid will fall into a quarry."
Doctor Who - Donna. "That's not even a proper word. You're just saying things."
Kiss Kiss Bang Bang - Perry. "I think you wouldn't know where to feed yourself if you didn't flap your mouth so much. Yes, I think you're stupid."
The Big Bang Theory - Sheldon. "You bowl like your momma! Unless your mother bowls well. In that case you bowl nothing like her."
Sherlock Holmes - Holmes. "You wear a jacket."
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