Overview: WOw, that was a long drive. But kept the productivity up somehow. And I'm on holiday. I count that as a win. All on 3 hours sleep as well - not healthy but impressive.
Productivity: Sorted my car boot this morning - holy hell, no wonder it was clanking so much, there was a lot of cider back there. I'm not counting these but I also packed all my shit for holiday last minute and dragged myself out to go food shopping this evening for the week away. I'm literally in the middle of nowhere and it was creapy as fuck.
Exercise: First off the amount of times I ran up and down stairs from flat to car should definitely count. Also unpacking car on the other end of the jounrey. I got a couple of k steps in as well, which is more than I thought i'd get since i was in my car a lot of today.
Writing: 750 words. Not sure how that happened, most of it was deleted and blah. But words are words are words so.