helgaleenas wrote in darkroastpress Mar 18, 2011 12:47
paranormal, historical, new release, ghosts, romance, promo, 2011, molly colton, demons, smashwords, supernatural
helgaleenas wrote in darkroastpress Mar 18, 2011 11:10
in service, glbt romance, new release, futurefic, promo, 2011, thriller, lgbt, new releases, third party distribution, bdsm, j.c. natal, smashwords
helgaleenas wrote in darkroastpress Mar 17, 2011 12:10
glbt romance, new release, romance, 2011, parker grey, lgbt, third party distribution, smashwords
helgaleenas wrote in darkroastpress Mar 15, 2011 17:50
uprising, zombie, 2011, christopher c. newman, action, news, upcoming releases, recommended read, hrorror, supernatural, reviews
helgaleenas wrote in darkroastpress Mar 08, 2011 09:40
crystal rose, jamie lynn miller, 2011, new releases, hrorror, j.c. natal, smashwords, glbt romance, tyree q. kimber, promo, company announcement, sneak peek, thriller, news, third party distribution, christopher newman, recommended read
rhiannon_rhodes wrote in darkroastpress Feb 14, 2011 07:22
new releases
rhiannon_rhodes wrote in darkroastpress Jan 05, 2011 17:06
open call for submissions, news, submissions
jenshih_blue wrote in darkroastpress Oct 04, 2010 17:44
open call for submissions, holiday anthology, october 2010
jenshih_blue wrote in darkroastpress Oct 04, 2010 09:11
spirit day, lgbtq, in honor, october 2010
jenshih_blue wrote in darkroastpress Aug 27, 2010 10:08
august 2010, new releases, of blood and politics, christopher newman, promo