Location:southern CA
Current education/occupation:senior in college
5+ Loves:Photography (esp. vintage)//classic film//traveling//reading//sunsets
5+ Hates:rude people//people who don't use the turn signal when switching lanes//seedy fruits//spinach//homework
When did you first become interested in photography?: About 5 years ao. I'm completely amateur as I've never taken a photo class, but i did take a photo history class and loved it, and I love taking pictures of things I find aesthetically pleasing.
Which type od camera do you prefer using? (35mm or digital):Digital, I have a 35mm, but I like seeing the results right away instead of days later
Do you prefer color or black and white?:both, actually, it depends on the subject
Why do you want to be a part of the community?:I love sharing photos
Provide a good theme idea: "Travel Photos"
Please post 5-10 photographs you have taken:Sorry in advance that these are big.
That was a few years ago
3-5 pictures of yourself:
sorry, this pic is kind of gross
Provide a salute (required):
Post a 150(w)x200(L) pic for the members page:
may I make one later, I'm too lazy to open photoshop right now. i have a 100x100 one though