5th Avenue: Pentax MZ-6/28-90 f2.8/Jessops Diamond 400 ISO
5th Avenue: Pentax MZ-6/28-90 f2.8/Jessops Diamond 400 ISO
Times Square: Pentax MZ-6/28-90 f2.8/Ilford HP5 400 ISO
Christopher Street: Pentax MZ-6/28-90 f2.8/Jessops Diamond 400 ISO
Central Park: Pentax MZ-6/28-90 f2.8/Jessops Diamond 400 ISO
Central Park West: Zenza Bronica ETRSi/50mm f2.8/Ilford Delta 3200 ISO
West Street, Sheffield UK: Pentax MZ-6/28-90 f2.8/Jessops Diamond 200 ISO
Central Park: Zenza Bronica ETRSi/50mm f2.8/Fuji Provia 400 ISO
Central Park East: Pentax MZ-6/28-90 f2.8/Fuji Velvia 50 ISO
Does this count as photo-whoring? Any feedback is welcome. Most of the Pentax pictures are at least 2 years old, the Bronica ones are more recent. I tend to go to NY as often as finances allow :o)