Attraction... Confuses me. Once Photobucket will let me log in I'll upload an attraction chart I found (and stole to use for myself) through Ace-of-Hearts which is a blog about (a)sexuality. Specifically THIS post.
I too often find women more asthetically appealing, but am more sexually attracted to men. Though I've always wondered if finding men more attractive sexually has to do with societal norms and the way I was brought up. Or if it's because the bulk of my sexual experience has been with men and it's what I'm used to.
Even if you are more sexually attracted to males because of societal norms, as long as you’re comfortable with that it's all good! The problems come in when those societal norms conflict with how you feel you should be acting or whom you feel you are interested in internally.
The women finding other women aesthetically attractive thing seems to also be a societal norm - women's magazines are filled with attractive women, and we grow up around women, and are encouraged to become close with them. Unlike men, whose magazines are also filled with attractive women and if they are emotionally close with too many females they are often labeled as gay or too 'feminine'. So they learn to be attracted to women but not necessarily connect with them on an emotional level. Not saying this is good or bad - I'm a firm believer of doing what you feel is right as long as you aren't harming anyone else. Screw societal norms if they clash with how you feel! :D
Where did you find this chart? You may have said in your post, but I'm commenting in a rush before work and only skimmed. Will fully read later, promise!
But my main reason for commenting is: On your address, is it "TPU Box" or "FPU Box"? I'm unsure and I want to mail this letter to you! :0!
Comments 8
I too often find women more asthetically appealing, but am more sexually attracted to men. Though I've always wondered if finding men more attractive sexually has to do with societal norms and the way I was brought up. Or if it's because the bulk of my sexual experience has been with men and it's what I'm used to.
The women finding other women aesthetically attractive thing seems to also be a societal norm - women's magazines are filled with attractive women, and we grow up around women, and are encouraged to become close with them. Unlike men, whose magazines are also filled with attractive women and if they are emotionally close with too many females they are often labeled as gay or too 'feminine'. So they learn to be attracted to women but not necessarily connect with them on an emotional level. Not saying this is good or bad - I'm a firm believer of doing what you feel is right as long as you aren't harming anyone else. Screw societal norms if they clash with how you feel! :D
You may have said in your post, but I'm commenting in a rush before work and only skimmed.
Will fully read later, promise!
But my main reason for commenting is:
On your address, is it "TPU Box" or "FPU Box"?
I'm unsure and I want to mail this letter to you! :0!
Silly me. :D
I just don't want it to be wrong. :D!
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