I had been writing so much loopiness lately that my angsty muse put in an entrance.
Title: Happy Endings
Pairing: Spangel
Rating: PG-13
Disclaimer: Joss loves me. Not. The characters belong to him.
Summary: Post NFA drabble. Life goes on as usual for everyone except Spike and Angel. Angsty.
A word as elusive as its meaning. Spike sighed, trying to find a more comfortable position but the shackles confining him gave him no leeway. His eternal bonds kept him kneeling on the cold, stone floor naked. Always subservient and submissive to his Master - the tortured, near mindless thing roaming around the beautiful, elegant mansion where they were. Sometimes, he just wanted to close his eyes and let go. But then, the beast that was once his magnificent Sire would wail and moan most piteously and he knew he could not leave. Not without Angel, or what was left of him.
So Spike kept clear blue eyes opened and immediately, the sounds stopped as feral brown eyes met his. He ached to offer words of comfort but his voice was long stolen, given in trade so that Angel might be spared more pain. Not that the larger vampire could truly tell the difference.
Angel prowled aimlessly around the comfortable luxury around him. Every desire he had ever had was granted him - the grandest, finest lifestyle and his childe, obedient to him. That is, on one condition. In his mind lay a window, a portal to the real world where his friends and their descendants fought the forces of darkness everyday. A fight he could watch but never actively participate in. It left him mostly deaf and blind to his surroundings, except when Spike’s eyes were closed. Then, the images in his mind would disappear and he would become lucid once more.
The bonds would melt away as soon as Spike shut his eyes and freedom would be within his grasp. He could return to the real world, rejoin his friends and die a heroic death - everything he had thought he once wanted. Yet, Spike knew he would never be happy. Amazing, isn’t it, that Wolfram and Hart could grant and destroy their happy endings at the same time. It made everything touch them so much more deeply.
If Spike left, Angel would descend into true insanity. Perhaps, it would be better for them both - anything was better than this empty half-unlife - but Spike couldn’t do it. They said that even the mad could feel loneliness and Angel had been lonely for so many years. It was hardly fair to ask him to bear that burden once more.
So Spike stayed, feeling the weight of the shackles on him once more. They were heavy - the bonds of friendship and loyalty. But, most heavy of all was the bond of love.