Isolation years

Sep 15, 2007 21:50 ----> mildly amusing.

I haven't done a meme in a long time now, and time's almost right for a little self-lovin' (in the non-sexual way). Blame wickedsin, she made me do it.

  • I love that I'm smart enough that I don't need to work so hard in school, or when preparing for major exams *cough*
  • I like my hair. Sometimes. It's unique in this country of dark people.
  • This is fucking hard. I don't really like anything about myself, physically or emotionally.
  • I love that I come across as innocent and nice, but I'm mean as fuck most of the time inside my mind.
  • I love myself and I'm proud of myself for surviving depression. it's a struggle, and I'm doing alright!
  • I love my eyebrows. They're like, the only part of my body that I've never hated.
  • I love how my eyes change colors depending on my mood.
  • I love how I'm dorky and say sarcastic and/or stupid things just to see how people react. And then laugh at them silently when they don't get the joke.

That's enough, then.

So, dear FList, what do YOU like about yourselves?

You know what kills me? The illusion of time. Israel's changing to winter-time today, so we have to move the clocks back 1 hour. That means I get an extra hour of sleep. A much needed extra hour, but it kills me that we can play with time like that. It's not reeeeal.

Also, wish me luck. I'm going to the base early tomorrow to try and get myself the day off. It's my dad's death anniversary and according to rules (that I didn't make up) I'm supposed to get the whole day off, but they're giving me a hard time with that. Want me to sign some papers for special permission or whatever. Hopefully they won't realize my case isn't actually valid (because his jewish date of death was like, two weeks ago. And that's when ceremonies are usually held) A part of me feels guilty for taking advantage of this. But a bigger part of me really hates the army and wants to get what is rightfully mine. I think dad would see the humour in this.

Lotsa pictures. Maybe I'll post tomorrow, if luck be on my side... :P
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