Waking up on Mars

Sep 23, 2009 11:51

So, for those not on my Facebook, this was the view from my window this morning:

This was with the camera on auto - it focused on the dust

Long shutter setting gave these results -

Sydney was hit by a freak dust storm blown in from the west of the state in the early hours of the morning.

So I was woken up at 6 this morning because I was choking on the dust as I'd left my window open a bit last night. And the sky was just blood-red. The photos really don't do it justice. I was a bit worried about coming in to work because of the wind (predicted to hit gusts of 100km an hour, and the wind gets gusty on the bridge at the best of times) and because the dust was making me wheeze. But after taking some of my asthma meds I ventured out. The bike was covered in dust because I forgot to cover her last night, and I wiped that off but I needn't have bothered, she'll be filthy again by tonight. I must have lucked out because the wind was not too bad on the bridge, a couple of hairy moments, but not worse than I've dealt with previously. Riding in the lee of a train that was conveniently crossing at the same time I was probably helped too :) I'm actually glad I came in to work because the air quality is actually better here than at home because of the air con filters, which was what I was hoping for. I am beginning to smell the dust again, though, so maybe they are at saturation point already. Every outdoor surface is covered in dust, and all of my riding gear is now covered in a layer of orange dust too. Its been a weird and eerie morning.

sydney duststorm

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