I bought a lot of things f
or cheap on Y!AJ this spring.
Unfortunately, 3 of them that I was excited about are too small for me. Please disregard the black tank top I'm wearing underneath; I got too lazy to put on a bra in this heat (26°C at 1am is pretty darned hot to me!).
First, a Momoko-style BTSSB dress that's actually separates; the underskirt fits just fine, but the top's sleeves are so darned tight that I can only get my forearms through, I can't get it over my elbows! ;_; IT was the one Saru though would look best on me; I'm so let down!
Then, the BTSSB JSK I bought in cream requires me to find a way to reduce my ribcage because I'm like just an inch too large to be able to close the zipper all the way up...
Finally, the black no name brand polka dot organza dress is like a small, but I wear medium and it was advertised as medium, so I don't fit in it either!
Fortunately, thought, the other items were OK.
This AP JSK I already own in red:
Maxic/MAM JSK in black with silver and white prints. Upclose, the print on the chest looks like little Stitch when you you down on it while wearing it, I thought it was funny...
BTSSB skirt with missing bow ties?!? (Sorry about the contrast, it's the best I could do at that time).
Super cute and comfy Bodyline hooded bolero:
I will wear it over this BTSSB JSK bat my friend Gabzzz12 and Patrick's wedding, because she chose that outfit for me to wear out of all that I own.
I'll post an other update soon about other things I wish to tell you guys about and probably my Meta LPs when I received them some when around next week...