Ratabelle (shamelessly cross-posted)

Aug 02, 2011 09:59

In a nod to Victorian Kitsch Taxidermy (such as Mr. Potter's stuffed kitten tea party), I articulated the skeleton of a giant pouched rat and dressed her in a fancy Victorian blouse, skirt, & bustle set.

Giant Pouched Rat & Norway Rat size comparison. Death of Rats is a pretty standard rat while Ratabelle is of an African species that gets up to 18" from pelvis to nose with nearly 2' of tail. Without flesh, but put in an oddly human pose, Ratabelle stands 14" tall.

Fancy Victorian walking dress includes:
purple silk brocade skirt with black lace trim
black lace overskirt with beaded trim
black velvet bustle with purple ribbons
purple silk brocade jacket with black lace, stain, and velvet trims
black satin collar with jewelry accent
black velvet and lace bonnet & purple plume headress/hair (that's doing a Prof. Trelawney thing)

Glamorous Close-up

Full set: http://www.flickr.com/photos/7760104@N06/sets/72157627160351695/
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