I Shut My Eyes and All the World Drops Dead - a gift for The Community!

Nov 28, 2013 23:36

Title: I Shut My Eyes and All the World Drops Dead
Author: arjd
Recipient: The Community
Pairing(s): Padma/Pansy, Pansy/Lily Luna, implied Pansy/OFC
Word Count: ~6300
Rating: NC-17
Warnings: Infidelity, dubcon/noncon (both implied and explicit), implied torture, murder, blood
Summary: After twenty-five years on the job, Auror Pansy Parkinson deals ( Read more... )

year: 2013, pairing: pansy/lily luna, rating: nc-17, pairing: pansy/padma, !fic

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Comments 3

nearlyconscious November 30 2013, 06:41:16 UTC
Thank you for this gift to the community, Mystery Author! It's lovely to see Padma/Pansy, as well as Lily Luna -- a rare pair I love, and a next-gen character I love.
I really got into the plot, and I like your writing and story-telling.


arjd December 17 2013, 10:06:51 UTC
Thanks so much for taking the time out to read and comment. I'm glad you enjoyed it - plot isn't one of my strong points so it's good that you liked the story!


nearlyconscious December 19 2013, 13:30:25 UTC
:) Plot isn't my strong point either, so I get you! I feel like fic doesn't necessarily need a huge plot to be enjoyable though. I do like longish plotty stuff, but in medias res drabbles can be awesome too. I really liked it -- a delight to read rare pairs.


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