Title:Running With the Devil
Author: Dark Wyldchilde (wyldchilde37@yahoo.com)
Rating: Let's err on the side of caution and go NC-17.
Setting: My Lock AU, starting with "Life on the Farm". While it started more traditional fan fic, this is the eighth in the series and most wonderfully has developed into it's own world, that just happens to be populated by characters from other series.
Summary: The soldiers of the Lock are coming to the understanding that the reason there isn't a plural for the word apocalypse is because it would devalue the concept, and the doomsdays that they have been facing have simply been warming them up.
Spoilers: While this IS it's own universe now I will freely draw upon Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Angel, NCIS, the Executioner/Stonyman Farm and now Supernatural.
Disclaimers: This is a not for profit work of fanfic and is in no way a challenge to existing copyrights.
Wyld's Notes: I tried not to write this fic. Literally, I thought having three cannons in the same universe was pushing it (I count Buffy and Angel as one for obvious reasons), but when I tried to NOT write this my muse overruled me, and since people have been finding the other things she's encouraged me to write worth their time I figured I would share this as well.
Chapter 9.
Opening the cell door she was opening the first aid kit as she stepped inside. "Can you move your arm enough to take your shirt off?"
Dean nodded, starting to remove his jacket and shirt so Faith could get to his bullet wound. "But you should know I'm not normally this forward."
Faith smiled at that. "Somehow I doubt that, but I'm much the same, I save the cages and chains for the second date."
Dean gave his own smile. "So that badge is bullshit and you gave them a friend's number to call to 'verify' your id?"
The brunette shook her head. "It's legit." She then met the bothers startled eyes. "The reason guys like Henrickson are left to deal with cases like yours is because those who either figure out the truth or have it presented to them in ways they can not deny usually end up working for me."
Sam was picking up on the conversation quickly. "So you're the Slayer, and you work for the Government basically doing what Dean and I do, but with official sanction?"
A single nod was her reply before speaking. "A slayer, there's more then one now, but that's a bigger conversation for later. Otherwise you got it in a nutshell. Now I could bust you guys out of here, but we've been picking apart the charges against you and using the questions raised by supernatural involvement to generate reasonable doubt without letting the secret out. I want to do the same here."
Now that Dean was shirtless Faith had put on rubber gloves and was examining his wound with probing fingers causing Dean to wince as he spoke. "It might not be that easy, the demon that was in the Deputy Director seemed to say the night had just begun, and it fled, we didn't exorcise it."
Reaching to the first aid kit she started gathering bandages. "Okay, it was a through and through, so you should be able to manage. Now that would mean that the demon must have ran off to get some friends so we have to come up with a way to get everyone out."
"To do that I'm going to need you two to stay put." Seeing the objections forming she held up her hands. "But I'm going to leave the cell door shut, but not locked so you can get out in an emergency. I'm also going to give you my cross and holy water so you're not defenseless."
"Also," She reached down and taking each shackle she used slayer strength to yank on them hard enough to break the locking mechanism so they could be closed, but would never lock again.
She then stood up, and spoke with a smile. "Now get dressed, I gotta go back to work."
Dean smirked. "Normally women are telling me to get undressed before they go to work."
"Easy tiger." Was her whispered reply as Henrickson reentered the cells.
"Well, while I was busy fucking off their buddies killed all the deputies outside and my partner!"
She met his eyes. "Was my id confirmed?"
The black man scowled. "Enough, they got cut off mid call when the phone were cut and cell and radios were blocked." Then the lights went out. "And now they've got the lights." Followed by an explosion. "And the chopper."
Faith's voice was calm as she replied. "Henrickson, have you EVER heard of those two having accomplices? The fact that we are dealing with people who are sophisticated enough to launch this kind of attack makes them more likely those who could turn a Deputy Director of the FBI into an assassin then whatever pipe dream you cooked up around what little evidence you did bother to look at in the Winchester case."
"Now if you were cut off mid way with my boss then that means we'll have back up on the way." The fact that she made sure to give Sam and Dean a quick glance as she said that letting them know that her back up would be aware of the real nature of the threats out there.
She then froze. "But I'm guessing you've already figured all that out." and then as Henrickson's eyes went black and he reached for his side arm from behind and to her right Faith pivoted at the hip, grabbing him at the collar and belt and hurled him bodily out the doors to the holding cells.
"I need an exorcist!" Came out of Faith's mouth as she hurried after her possessed projectile.
Sam and Dean were out of their broken shackles and opening the cell door with Dean dropping back to let his brother out first as Sam said. "Just hold him down!"
Faith's foot opened the door with enough force to break it as she came into the squad room where the demon eyed Henrickson had his gun out and was pointing it at her. Facing him her left hand grabbed his right wrist while her right grabbed his throat and picked him up to slam him down, on top of Nancy's desk.
That caused the secretary to scream as she scrambled from her seat, leaving Faith to keep his right hand pointing the gun towards the ceiling while he tried to twist it enough to point the weapon at her.
As that struggle continued Sam and Dean burst into the squad room to be greeted by the guns of the sheriff and what was now his surviving deputy since Faith didn't imagine that the possessed Henrickson had lied about his partner and the deputies being killed, he just did the dirty work himself, before planting a bomb on the chopper and killing the lights, phones and radios.
"Leave em!" Was her shouted order, and it confused the two local LEOs enough for Dean to run over and grab Henrickson's arms so Faith could wrestle the gun fully away while Sam started reciting from memory.
Exorcizamus te, omnis immundus spiritus
omnis satanica potestas, omnis incursio
infernalis adversarii, omnis legio,
omnis congregatio et secta diabolica.
Ergo draco maledicte
et omnis legio diabolica
adjuramus te.
Cessa decipere humanas creaturas,
eisque aeternae Perditionis venenum propinare.
As it kicked and screamed it then formed words in Henrickson's voice. "You're too late! I've called them! They're coming!"
Vade, Satana, inventor et magister
omnis fallaciae, hostis humanae salutis.
Humiliare sub potenti manu dei,
contremisce et effuge, invocato a
nobis sancto et terribili nomine,
quem inferi tremunt.
Ab insidiis diaboli, libera nos, Domine.
Ut Ecclesiam tuam secura tibi facias libertate servire
te rogamus, audi nos.
Ut inimicos sanctae Ecclesiae humiliare digneris,
te rogamus, audi nos.
Terribilis Deus de sanctuario suo.
Deus Israhel ipse truderit virtutem
et fortitudinem plebi Suae.
Benedictus deus. Gloria patri.
With that the possessed FBI Agent bellowed black smoke that was drawn towards the floor where it left scorch marks in it's passing.
Henrickson was reeling. "I... I killed your deputies, slit their throats, I killed my partner..."
Sam looked at the still reeling Special Agent Henrickson. "You were possessed."
The Special Agent met Sam's eyes. "Possessed like... possessed?"
The younger Winchester brother nodded. "That's what it feels like. Now you know."
The older brother Dean then met the man's eyes. "I owe you the biggest 'I told you so.' ever."
Faith shook her head at Dean, and then spoke softly. "Scariest thing is that situations like this have happened enough that I have a speech ready."
Raising her voice Faith addressed the room. "Okay, you're freaking out, you're entitled. The world you woke up to isn't the one you'll go to bed to. I just want you to think of this... for thousands upon thousands of years everyone knew you should be afraid of the dark, that things like what you just saw were a real and present danger. Then about a thousand years ago we started to question all those millennia worth of wisdom, and now we've reached a point that anything over a century old is considered bullshit from barbarians... does that make sense to you?"
Dean couldn't help but comment quietly. "Nice speech."
She shrugged. "Like I said, practice."
As the Sheriff, his Deputy, Nancy, and Victor Henrickson contemplated those words Faith, Dean and Sam had to contemplate that the world of the supernatural was coming to assert it's presence in force.