01. Almost everything, but mostly the fact that you are so easy... to talk to, and i trust you. 02. Dire Straits- Romeo And Juliet 03. 5 o' clock 04. quirky 05. The first night we laid in my bed for like hours and talked, then i managed to fall asleep with my arms around you. :o) 06. naked mole rat 07. Why Joe?
01. You are fun to be around 02. I will then tell what song/movie/icon reminds me of you. 03. 3 o' Clock 04. High-Pitched 05. the most standoutish is the last time i saw you while you were at work, cuz it was just an unexpected and very pleasant encounter. 06. One of those early morning singing birds 07. Why don't we ever hang out?
01. You are always there, and will always be there. 02. Ninja Turtles 03. 7 o' clock 04. faithless 05. laying in jesse's street together for hours at a time 06. turtle 07. what happened to you that makes you doubt everything anyone says?
01. I can have fun with you, or be completely serious and have a real conversation 02. Batman 03. 11 o'clock 04. slave-to-the-freaky-ass-booty 05. that time when both Jenny and Kris were here, and i was retarded and went to hide and just held you the whole time. 06. a bat. 07. Are you serious when you say you are going to try to help me fix this issue?
01. We have a lot in common, and we can laugh about nothing for a while 02. Hatchet Man 03. 12 on the dot 04. bi-polar 05. That time we were waiting to give blood, and we were chilling for like hours... and i traded numbers with some kid so i could keep chilling 06. a crow 07. how you went through life seeing like... no movies and hearing so little music. 08. Put this in your journal
Comments 13
02. Dire Straits- Romeo And Juliet
03. 5 o' clock
04. quirky
05. The first night we laid in my bed for like hours and talked, then i managed to fall asleep with my arms around you. :o)
06. naked mole rat
07. Why Joe?
02. I will then tell what song/movie/icon reminds me of you.
03. 3 o' Clock
04. High-Pitched
05. the most standoutish is the last time i saw you while you were at work, cuz it was just an unexpected and very pleasant encounter.
06. One of those early morning singing birds
07. Why don't we ever hang out?
02. Ninja Turtles
03. 7 o' clock
04. faithless
05. laying in jesse's street together for hours at a time
06. turtle
07. what happened to you that makes you doubt everything anyone says?
02. Batman
03. 11 o'clock
04. slave-to-the-freaky-ass-booty
05. that time when both Jenny and Kris were here, and i was retarded and went to hide and just held you the whole time.
06. a bat.
07. Are you serious when you say you are going to try to help me fix this issue?
02. Hatchet Man
03. 12 on the dot
04. bi-polar
05. That time we were waiting to give blood, and we were chilling for like hours... and i traded numbers with some kid so i could keep chilling
06. a crow
07. how you went through life seeing like... no movies and hearing so little music.
08. Put this in your journal
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