Questions I'v been asked. If you have a question and it has not been answered here. Please ask away! On this post by the way. : ]
Can I add this journal?
Of course!
Do I really need to credit you?
Yes, please. If you didn't credit, no one would know where you got it.
Can I edit your icons?
No. There will be some textless icons. These are not bases unless I specifically, say they are. Please do not edit any of my icons.
Do you take requests?
I will announce when I want to take requests. Even then it is limited.
Would you like to affiliate with my icon journal/community?
Of course! :)
I've commented on your journal but why haven't you replied?
I will reply to any comments with suggestions, requests or if you showed me an icon you did based on my tutorial. If you asked something and I haven't replied to it yet, I probably missed it or it has already been answered.
What programs do you use?
I use Paint Shop Pro 9 and Animation Shop 3
What font did you use?
I am in the process of making a guide to most of my common fonts.
Why do you make more tutorials then icons
Because it seems people enjoy more my tutorials then my icons. :)
Can you make me a simpler tutorial?
Yes and no. I've organized all my tutorials by order. If you have checked them and still can't find a simple tutorial. Then you can ask me for one.