I feel like this is how my lj got started, so I feel like I have to put this down again cuz I enjoyed it so much =)
I'm so glad I went to see the show again. It was amazing, with anthony rapp, adam pascal, and gwen stewart. It just made What You Own sound so classic. No one sounds like Anthony Rapp. and the two of them together is really distinctive.
I think my favorite part was the chemistry between Mimi and Roger. They did Another Day so perfectly... I kept repeating that. Really good emotions running. Lexi Lawson was really amazing - I was surprised that it was her first time, but I knew she'd be good. The tender moments, like Mimi wrapping her arms around his shoulders. It made that particular relationship really stand out, although I would usually really like angel/collins.
I think the first time I saw Rent on broadway, it was kinda confusing and fuzzy, and the movie was just not as good, that this was just the perfect (re-)experience. Everything just fit a little better this time. Makes me love the story even more, if that's possible... sadness and hope and all.
Mimi sounded a lot like rosario dawson... collins, benny, a lot of them sounds like the original =) I always like Angel... although now that I see this video, looks like Telly Leung might've been him... might've explained the lack of Justin Johnson's awesome table flipping I remember from my first time. Maureen was a little crazy. La Vie Boheme didn't have as much energy as I hoped, but it was still great.
O and I can't believe they did "Jersey"! that was good... replacing You can take the girl our of 'Hicksville' with 'Jersey'
Jamie was there and was really confused. He didn't know who Angel was!!! at least I got that the first time I saw... sheesh lol. But i think he totally enjoyed it... starting with Tango Maureen... I was noticing his clapping patterns =P
And then we waited outside, partly squished in lines, and got autographs! Gwen Stewart and Anthony Rapp came out, tho not Adam Rapp (i think he doesn't like stage door cuz so many people are crazy about him and chase and other stupid stuff). I absolutely love Anthony's Mark, and I was reading his memoir so it made it really nice. Got pics too =) courtesy of Jamie, the awesome photographer =D
This was seriously the perfect experience... heheh going to newark. With fun people too. Diana, Eugenia, Jamie. too bad Sweta couldn't make it. she would've loved it. We actually walked to and from the theater... wasn't so bad... in a group. Going back was ridiculously crazy/fangirly singing between Eug and me. Taking the train was fun with them. Of course they went through all my camera pics and saw old random stuff... like robbie. I'm glad I got them together... makes me feel accomplished =)
O but when we got back, I just had this crazy thing with Eugenia losing her autograph, and the two of us went out to look for it... and actually found it! She was actually crying... I would've been devastated too.
So much fun =D totally worth the night away.