hello ::waves:: I'm a bit slow and just discovered this community. Fantastic stuff. By way of introduction, I thought I'd share with you a very short ficlet I wrote a while ago, Darla POV. I hope that's ok!
Title: After the Spat
The events in Royal London Hotel, London England, 1880 (Destiny, AtS 5)
Angelus carried her over the threshold like a new virgin bride, and she felt like one, giggling to be back in his arms. She was happy and sated on the six teenaged girl kills he'd brought her - wooing her back on the melody of fear and love, always returning home.
Angelus stumbled and nearly cast her to the floor. They looked back to what had impeded his entry and she saw a boy, his face lit up with an expression of horrified glee that only those newly turned can ever possess. Drusilla came dancing into the room, and Angelus set Darla to the floor.
"Now before ye say anything-"
"What's this?" she said, waving her hand in distaste, but avoiding Angelus' impenetrable gaze.
"He's my new forever toy. My shining black knight, effulgent light buring all the fishes....babies......oooh did Mummy bring all her bestest girls some goodies?"
Darla went over to him and lifted his chin with her sharpened fingernail; he was listless, probably overwhelmed by Angelus, and his head lolled while his hair, like corn crop teardrops, was askew, unkempt as if newly ruffled and so unAurelian. But he smiled, undaunted, and stared straight back into Darla's eyes, glazed over with wonder, blood-lust, desire. He'd learn better soon, so she slapped him for good measure.
Angelus swooped her up again and took the stairs three at a time, cajoling her with the nasty things she'd do to him. But her mind stayed with the boy, all the same, her mind stayed with him.