I figured that since I haven't really posted all of my BaneJohn art on my LJ yet that I might as well do it. C:
This was inspired by the first time seeing Tom Hardy as Bane without his shirt on. It was DELICIOUS. Plus when I had learned that JGL was in the film I almost exploded. <3
CHIBIS. Because life isn't grand without them. >v< I need more Dog!Bane/Eames and Cat!John/Arthur in my life. <3 Will someone write me a cute fic about that?
I'm also looking to draw for some fics if anyone is interested. I would prefer to draw for a Bane/John fic but I will also draw for an Eames/Arthur fic. C: If you're interested, just let me know. Anyone that has a good prompt can leave a message here, I'll draw it and you can make a fic out of it. Or if you have a fic and if I like it enough I'll draw a scene from it. <3 Thanks you guys!