Title: The Teddy Bear
Artist: LittleDarlingEve/Darlinglileve
Genre: Fluff/Romance
Rating: PG
Summary: John Blake, after getting off of work and heading home, finds an abandoned teddy bear. He proceeds to take it home and fix it the next day. John believes the stuffed animal belongs to a little girl, but he doesn't know that it belongs to Bane. This is how Bane first meets John. This is where their relationship begins. (The Origins of the Teddy Bear Verse) Ok, I've been away from LJ for a couple of days because I've been moving to my new university. I'm living on campus and my internet doesn't really allow me to go on LJ. This is dedicated to
cathenian. She was the first person to know of this and besides, she writes the most delicious Bane/John fics out there. C: This is a comic called "The Teddy Bear". It's a romance/fluff short comic inspired by Bane's stuffed teddy bear.
And like the mother fucking Phantom of the Opera, Bane leaves John a thank you rose. C: I hope you enjoyed this! On a side note, a rose, in the language of flowers, means Love and Respect. C: