my only desire48: so rachel gets hot sex and i dont?!?
skater861kid: woah woah woah
skater861kid: lol
skater861kid: oh yes
skater861kid: lol
skater861kid: that was last nights project
skater861kid: lol
my only desire48: alright alright i see how its gonna go down
skater861kid: well
skater861kid: i didnt thik ud want anty
my only desire48: i dont need your excuses mr. judd
skater861kid: pft
skater861kid: ok
skater861kid: fine
skater861kid: ill eat u then
skater861kid: if yah catch my drift ;-)
skater861kid: then
skater861kid: everything will be so much better
skater861kid: ooook
Auto response from my only desire48: mr. judd, i didnt want your hot sex anyways!
skater861kid: lmfao
skater861kid: that is so great
my only desire48: lol
skater861kid: cuz i know its SO NOT TRUE
my only desire48: lol
skater861kid: airplane bedroom
skater861kid: eh?
my only desire48: eh eh ?
skater861kid: well u wanna? lol
my only desire48: lol no
my only desire48: ill rent it to you and rachel
my only desire48: cheater
skater861kid: hmm i detect JEALOUSY!
skater861kid: ;-)
my only desire48: well is it me or when you have a commited online relationship are you not supposed to make websites with other girls?! :'( lol
skater861kid: LOL im sorrrrrry nichole
skater861kid: she MADE ME
skater861kid: lol
my only desire48: did our cyber sex mean NOTHING TO YOU?!
skater861kid: our cybersex was like HEAVEN TO ME
skater861kid: ::hugs and kisses u::
my only desire48: i dont think it was...i gave myself to you!
my only desire48: NO!
my only desire48: *pushes away*
my only desire48: *throws vase*
skater861kid: *catches vase*
skater861kid: *puts it down*
skater861kid: *opens arms and says im sorry*
my only desire48: *throws shoe* you told me you LOVED ME!!!!!
skater861kid: *dodges shoe*
skater861kid: i DO LOVE U
skater861kid: IT WAS ONLY A JOKE
my only desire48: *turns away*
my only desire48: is our love a joke to you?
my only desire48: IS IT?
skater861kid: NO
skater861kid: the website is a joke
skater861kid: it means nothing
skater861kid: at all
skater861kid: our love is too deep
skater861kid: and STRONG
skater861kid: :'(
my only desire48: you say that now...then some little hot pocket walks past and steals your heart...first a website...what next? are you going to make a chatroom with her?
skater861kid: NEVER
skater861kid: thats only for me and u
my only desire48: lol we are the awesomest
skater861kid: but wait
skater861kid: WHAT ABOUT dream sc luv 17
skater861kid: hmmmmmm
skater861kid: EXPLAIN
my only desire48: hes just a friend!
my only desire48: there was nothing!
my only desire48: except...
skater861kid: WHY DID I NOT KNOW FOR 2 WEEKS
skater861kid: yes well...
skater861kid: in a what
skater861kid: a what
skater861kid: ?
my only desire48: oh brian i cant spare you any longer....
skater861kid: CHAT ROOM
my only desire48: we made...
my only desire48: we made a LIVEJOURNAL TOGETHER
my only desire48: im sorry
my only desire48: im so so sorry
skater861kid: omg
skater861kid: OMG
skater861kid: :'(
my only desire48: im wasnt mean tot hurt you
my only desire48: if it means anything...we didnt change the comment links...
skater861kid: was my cyber penis not good enough?
skater861kid: WAS IT
skater861kid: WAS IT
my only desire48: it was! it wasss!!!
skater861kid: ok
skater861kid: well
skater861kid: as long as u didnt change the comment links
skater861kid: its ok
my only desire48: *whips sweat from brow* thank god
skater861kid: pfew ur lucky i love u this much
my only desire48: lol