You know when you have something on your mind and you can't remember exactly what it is? Well I'm there! If anyone knows what the following things are please tell me
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Ball jointed dolls. Check out keiki boys and queenshiba from my flist to see some. Be prepared to be addicted! What's your new email address for school? I tried to email you and got an "undeliverable" message.
They were both good! I've been watching the old movie station hoping that they'll come on but they haven't so far. They were old movies even when I was a kid so I may never get a chance to see them again.
Sorry, didn't mean to spread the madness!! ;) Actually, 1 and 2 don't bother me half as much as 3 and 4. I've been watching a lot of Turner Classic station trying to find them and I actually did find one that I was getting ready to post about. It's called "Imitation of Life". So I feel like figuring out the movie titles is just a matter of time. The doll photos/journals - arrrgh- now they really are making me crazy! Here's my modus operandi (did I spell that right?) - I jump from one doll journal to another, drooling over the gorgeous dolls and then jumping to their friends pages with absolutely no pattern to my movements! So I've probably followed from someones friend to someones friend to someones friend... you get the picture. And then in retracing (or trying to) my wanderings I've discovered a lot of journals I'd previously looked at had become friends only. Which is really upsetting to me, cause darn it I need to have a pretty doll fix!! ;)
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