holy crap, system shock 2 is the scariest/most complex/most incredible game ever. i dare anybody else to play it at 4am in pitch dark with headphones on.
on the other hand, house of the dead 2 is ridiculously brainless gory fun.
please allow me to demonstrate )
Comments 4
So... I dropped pharmacology for another politcs subject :) yayyy!
(which, admittedly, led to the whole subject-changing debacle, but in the end will be worth it)
lala... Hope you're enjoying your last week of holidays... FLU-FREE!! *tear*
(yeah... i know... woe is me..)
Cyaa at uni :D xoxo
we must have coffee whenever you are in
anyway yeah, as far as arts goes, i've got all the prerequisites covered for the only areas of study i'm likely to be doing, so i'm not that fussed, and i could care less about getting in a 'good tute'. lalala.
i shall be in the city on friday!
Nah, opted out of Anthro... but oh well :)
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